Page 33 of Forbidden Fruit
I decided to start at the beginning. "Do you remember that night months ago at the casino, when I wandered off alone and spotted that dark, mysterious man from across the bar?"
Ashley's eyes lit up with recognition. "Mr. X! I could never forget your sexy mysterious stranger."
I smiled slightly at her dramatic flair. Even in my darkest hour, Ashley's spirit could still make me smile.
"His real name is Leonardo," I confessed in a hushed tone, heart quickening as I spoke his name out loud.
Ashley's brow furrowed thoughtfully. "Leonardo...why does that name sound so familiar?"
I tensed, steeling myself to finally reveal the ugly truth that would change her view of me forever. "Leonardo Delacruz. Of the Delacruz crime family."
Ashley's mouth dropped open in shock. "Delacruz? As in, the notorious mafia clan that's been feuding with your family for years?"
I nodded, a lump forming in my throat. "One in the same."
"Whoa." Ashley leaned back against the headboard, clearly needing a minute to process this bombshell revelation. I satunmoving, anxious knots forming in my stomach. Her opinion meant everything to me. If she turned away from me now, I honestly didn't know if I could bear it.
After a few agonizingly long moments, Ashley met my gaze again. "Okay, you're definitely going to have to explain more. Because this sounds like a recipe for tragedy, Romeo and Juliet-style."
I exhaled shakily, relief washing over me. Ash wasn't running, at least not yet. Buoyed by her openness, I delved into the forbidden tale - our instant soul-deep attraction at the casino, the stolen glances and feverish kisses in shadowy corners as our passion ignited.
No detail was too small or too steamy for Ashley. She listened raptly, peppering me with questions, living vicariously through my descriptions of Leonardo's fiercely protective embrace and tender reverence when we were alone.
"Girl, you have been holding out on me!" Ashley exclaimed. "This is insane. Terrifyingly sexy, but insane!"
I smiled ruefully. "Believe me, I know. I tried to resist at first, but..." I twisted my hands together, still overwhelmed by the depths of my emotions for Leonardo. "I've never felt anything like what we have when we're together. He makes me feel free, alive."
Ashley shook her head in amazement. "Damn. This is deep, forbidden love stuff. Like you were made for each other." Then her expression grew serious again. "But said it yourself, your families would freak if they knew."
My fleeting smile faded. "That's putting it mildly. If my father ever found out..." I shuddered, recalling his enraged tirade when he first suspected my deception.
Ashley put a comforting hand on my knee. "Hey, it's okay. I know this is risky, but I'm not judging you."
I placed my hand over hers, blinking back tears. Even now, facing the ugly dangerous truth, she wasn't turning away from me. Ashley's steady friendship was the one pure light left in my world.
When I continued my confession, my voice was hoarse with emotion. I told Ashley about my family's explosive reaction when they first suspected my sneaking out, the brutal confrontation with my father, his decrees that I was to be kept under constant guard and supervision.
"It's been unbearable," I whispered. "I feel so...trapped. Suffocated in that mansion." I took a shaky breath, wiping away a stray tear. "But Leonardo, he's the only one who saw how much I was struggling. He's the only one who really listens and understands me."
Ashley wrapped me in a fierce hug. "Oh honey, I'm so sorry you've had to go through all this. But you're safe here with me now, okay? No more trapped feelings."
I clung to her, taking comfort in the embrace. Ashley didn't fully grasp the dark forces at play in my family. But right now, her sheltering friendship was enough. I could almost believe everything would be okay.
Until I remembered the violence that had exploded at home tonight. Enzo rushing me out a window, the screech of tires as we raced off into the night.
I pulled back from Ashley's embrace, fresh panic gripping me. "But that's not even the worst part. Tonight, Enzo showed up out of the blue saying I was in danger and we had to escape. He wouldn't explain what was happening."
I sprang up from the bed to pace, anxiety swelling again. "Ash, something bad is going on, something Enzo wouldn't tell me about. He looked...scared." I shivered, picturing my strong, unflappable brother's ashen face.
Ashley watched me pace, concern furrowing her brow. "Crap, that really doesn't sound good. But maybe Enzo was just being overprotective? Your dad did kinda lose it on you guys."
I shook my head, gut churning. "No, this was different. Enzo was panicked, said I wasn't safe there." I whirled to face Ashley. "I need to call him, find out what the hell is happening."
I grabbed the burner phone Enzo had given me, nearly sick with dread as I waited for him to answer. When he did, the strain in his voice was obvious.
"Natalia, are you alright? Where are you?"
"I'm fine, I'm with Ashley. Enzo, please just tell me what's happening!" I begged desperately. My imagination was spiraling into terrifying possibilities.