Page 65 of Forbidden Fruit
Leonardo's arm tightened around me, grounding and secure. "You're safe now. I won't let anything happen to you," he vowed into the quiet darkness.
I craned my neck to meet his solemn eyes. "Nor I you," I responded fiercely. After nearly losing him tonight, emotions welled hotly in my chest, spilling out unplanned. "You mean everything to me, Leonardo."
Leonardo's breath caught, cradling my face with sudden intensity. "Natalia..." Her name was a fervent prayer on his lips before he captured my mouth in a searing kiss, full of promise. No matter what came next, we would face it together now.
Gradually, boneless exhaustion overtook us. I drifted off still cradled in Leonardo's strength, the first full sense of peace in longer than I could remember. For tonight at least, being wrapped in his arms was enough.
Morning dawned grey and muted through the dingy window. Grim reminder there was no escaping reality's harsh light today. But for a few serene heartbeats before full wakefulness hit, I let myself revel in the novelty of waking wrapped in Leonardo's arms. I had never felt so shielded and cherished.
But too soon, the creak of footsteps nearby followed by a firm knock shattered any fragile illusions. Heavy silence filled the room as Enzo stared down at us wordlessly. I knew how this - me tucked trustingly against the infamous Leonardo Delacruz - must appear to my protective brother. The shock and repulsion brewing behind his stony facade were almost palpable.
Mutely, I extracted myself from Leonardo's loose embrace and followed Enzo out to the kitchen, steeling my spine for the difficult conversation ahead. He deserved an explanation for my recklessness that had overturned all our lives. But I would not apologize for following my heart.
In the dingy kitchen, I took a seat across from Enzo at the scarred table. The weight of his expectant stare was crushing as I searched for the right words to make him understand. Finally, I met his conflicted gaze as evenly as I could.
"I wasn't trying to betray or hurt you when I ran off. But I couldn't take feeling trapped and controlled anymore." I hesitated, hating to cause him more pain. "You have to understand why I felt that way. Since Mama died, it's like I lost my whole family too. You all looked at me and only saw someone fragile to shelter and hide away from the world, not a person with her own dreams and desires."
I saw a shadow of guilt pass over Enzo's face and pressed on gently. "Keeping me isolated wasn't protection. It was just slow suffocation of my spirit. I had to get out, even for a little while. To feel free and alive again."
I thought of Leonardo then, how he alone had seen past the demure mafia princess act and brought out my fiery reckless side. But even just admitting that much out loud would push Enzo over the edge. There were some truths he was not ready for yet.
When I fell silent, Enzo passed a weary hand over his face, looking every one of his thirty-some years now. "I'm trying to understand, Natalia. Truly, I am," he said heavily. "But your safety will always be my first concern, no matter how mature you become. I can't just stop protecting my baby sister."
His words held no real heat though, just bone-deep exhaustion and care. He was trying, reaching beyond his ingrained prejudices. That was all I could ask for now.
Impulsively, I grasped his hand where it lay atop the worn table. "Thank you for hearing me out. I know this whole mess is my fault." I offered a tremulous half-smile. "How about we just agree I can make my own choices, but will try not to freak you out with anymore reckless disappearing acts?"
The barest answering smile ghosted Enzo's lips before he schooled his features back to careful neutrality. "We'll discuss more details later. But first, there are logistics to sort out after last night."
I tensed, knowing this temporary haven could not last indefinitely. But the thought of walking back into the viper's nest we had just escaped made my stomach churn. Enzo seemed to read my rising panic.
"You'll stay here in the safehouse for now where I can ensure protection," he reassured. "But Natalia, you know Father won't tolerate defiance forever." His face darkened. "And when he learns who you've entangled yourself with, the fallout..."
Enzo trailed off grimly, both of us understanding too well what volcanic reactions might erupt. My throat tightened, but I stood my ground. "Leonardo is here to stay by my side, no matter what."
I awaited the explosion at my bold pronouncement. But Enzo just sighed, a bone-deep weariness settling over him again. Perhaps after last night's violence, petty divisions and oldgrudges no longer seemed important. He simply nodded in acquiescence for now.
"Get more rest. We can discuss next steps when you're thinking clearly again," he said heavily, taking his leave. But at the door, he turned back, expression gentle. "Despite it all, I am glad you're safe, little sister."
The safehouse was eerily still as Leonardo and I sat waiting for Enzo to return. He had left abruptly earlier to "handle some business" after getting an urgent phone call, expression grim.
My mind spun imagining what new emergency could be brewing, so soon after narrowly escaping the violent ambush at the airfield. Leonardo kept a bracing arm around me, likely sensing my rising dread as the minutes ticked by tensely.
Leonardo, always in tune with my worries, gently pulled me over to sit curled up under his unhurt arm. "Let's not stress anymore tonight," he said softly.
I rested my head on his broad shoulder, comforted having him close. Leonardo was right - we were both emotionally drained after the fight at the airfield. Maybe we deserved a peaceful moment before dealing with more crap tomorrow.
I lightly trailed my fingers over the bandage on Leonardo's hurt arm, feeling guilty. "Does it hurt a lot? I wish I could've done more to patch you up."
Leonardo put his hand over mine. "You did good, babe. Anyway, it'll take more than a scratch to slow me down." I could tell it pained him more than he let on though.
"At least let me check the bandage, make sure it's not bleeding," I fussed. Before Leonardo could brush me off, I hurried to grab supplies, glad to focus my nervous energy on something helpful.
Sitting on the lumpy couch again, I carefully removed the dirty gauze to expose the wound - an ugly gash but luckily not gushing blood. Leonardo watched me work with an amused smile.
"You know, I've treated way worse on my own before," he pointed out, though he obediently kept still as I cleaned and rebandaged the cut.