Page 66 of Forbidden Fruit
"Well you don't have to now," I replied, keeping my touch gentle. Taking care of Leonardo soothed my useless feeling somehow. When I finally leaned back satisfied, Leonardo was looking at me curiously.
"Gotta say, I was impressed at the warehouse when you disarmed that thug," he said. "Clearly you've been holding back some skills."
I felt myself blush, both from his compliment and remembering my freakish ferocity in that life-or-death moment. "Wasn't really a choice. Just...primal instincts I guess."
"Well, remind me not to get on that side of you," Leonardo said wryly. His smile faded. "Truthfully, it scared me seeing you so consumed by rage. I know you've got backbone, babe, but violence like that changes people. I don't want this ugliness hardening you."
I glanced down, sobered by his words. "I don't like violence either. But when my loved ones are threatened..." I trailed off heavily. "What happened back there was ugly. But I don't regret defending us, whatever it took."
"I know." Leonardo tilted my chin up seriously. "Just remember going forward, revenge is a dark path. Be sure before heading down it."
His grave advice resonated through me. I prayed the airfield fight would be our last taste of bloodshed. But Leonardo was right - the primal fury in me now couldn't be ignored. I'd need to control its wildness, or risk losing myself.
Needing to lighten the mood after the heavy convo, I nudged Leonardo playfully. "You know, I clearly remember you saying once that you found my boldness hot. Changed your mind?"
Leonardo looked startled before chuckling. "Ah, so you recall that, do you?" His smile turned roguish. "I admit your fiery courage still leaves me very enthralled, minx."
"Is that so?" Feeling emboldened, I shifted closer, thrilled to see Leonardo's pupils dilate in response. "Well, don't expect me to go easy just cause of some scratch..."
I lightly traced his jawline, excited by his quickened breathing. After the recent violence, having this playful intimacy with Leonardo again felt so needed.
When I leaned in closer, holding his dark gaze challengingly, Leonardo finally closed the little distance between us. I sighed against his mouth as he pulled me into his lap and kissed me slowly.
The scratch of his stubble contrasted deliciously with his soft lips gently parting mine, stirring that smoldering heat in me. I tangled my fingers in his thick hair, anchoring myself.
We traded lingering kisses until we were both flushed and breathless. As I nipped his lower lip teasingly, Leonardo groaned low, tightening his arms around me.
"Thought I was supposed to be resting my injury," he rasped, though he made no move to separate us.
I smiled against his mouth. "Suppose the patient does need sleep..." I mused, trailing a fingertip down his chest.
Leonardo's heated gaze drank me in. "Think you might be the one overexerting me, darling." To emphasize, he grasped my hand and kissed the palm intensely.
The charged air between us was electric. But I found myself unwilling to rush this intimate reprieve. There'd be time later to fully get lost in each other again. For now, I just craved the simple joy of being cradled close to Leonardo, letting everything else fade away.
Sensing this, Leonardo shifted us to lie cozily on the ratty sofa, my head tucked under his chin. No more feverish touching, just holding each other near. And it was perfect - his arms keeping the lurking darkness at bay.
Here, listening to Leonardo's steady heartbeat, the aching anxiety from the last days finally began loosening its grip on me. In place of remembered violence rose overwhelming gratitude - for survival, for the man sharing this refuge, for the promise of shelter always in his arms, however wild the storms outside.
I pressed myself closer against Leonardo's strength, needing that anchoring connection deep down. His embrace tightened understandingly, cheek resting on my hair. No more words needed as we laid entwined in the dimness. The chaos momentarily stilled for these stolen heartbeats.
Eventually Leonardo's breathing slowed into sleep beneath me as exhaustion overtook him. But I lingered a while longer in that serene cocoon, listening to the steadiness that lulled me too toward rest at last.
Finally we heard the crunch of tires on gravel, followed shortly by Enzo stalking back inside. The hard set of his jaw did little to ease my concerns.
After verifying the perimeter guards were still in place, Enzo turned to us. "We have some matters to discuss."
I shot Leonardo an anxious look. "What's happened now?"
Enzo scrubbed a hand over his face before meeting my gaze. "I paid a...visit to the Russos earlier. Made it clear any threat against you or Ashley ends immediately."
My eyes widened in surprise. Enzo elaborated "Their princess Bree won't be a problem anymore. And neither will the rest of them if they know what's good for them."
Enzo continued more gently "Anyway, you shouldn't have to worry about retaliation from that corner at least. Bree's venom has been neutralized."
I nodded slowly, relief tempered by the uneasy means employed. Beside me, Leonardo tensed. "And what about her father? Hecan't have taken kindly to such strong-arming, especially on behalf of his daughter."
Enzo's answering smile was devoid of humor. "Russo understands proportional response. He'd rather swallow his pride than incite open war."