Page 67 of Forbidden Fruit
I suppressed a shudder at the cold precision with which my brother navigated these treacherous waters. No rules or codes could compete with the snarling beast that was family loyalty for Enzo. He would burn the whole city down without hesitation if that's what it took to shield me from harm.
Sensing darker paths ahead, I interjected "I appreciate you handling the situation, Enzo. Let's just put it behind us now." I tried to inject a note of finality, steering us away from thoughts of retaliation or justice. Lingering on what unpleasant business had secured our fragile safety tonight would only breed more darkness.
The room was heavy with uncomfortable truths as we all processed the situation. I could only be deeply grateful for Enzo's protective ferocity on my behalf, but never fully at ease with the lethal forms it took. Some stains ran too deep to scrub away.
Clearing his throat gruffly, Enzo seemed to shake off the phantom weight of whatever violence he had dealt in my name. "Right. Well, we still have some other issues to sort out."
I tensed, knowing happier topics did not remain. Enzo's expression turned grave again. "Natalia, I know I haven't acknowledged who you've...become involved with." He shot an inscrutable look at Leonardo. "Our history has ingrained certain prejudices not easily overcome."
Confusion warring with unease, I glanced between them anxiously. "What are you saying?"
Enzo sighed heavily. "Just that while I can accept your choices privately, things become more complicated publicly." He met my eyes. "If it got out that a Delacruz seduced Don Moretti's precious daughter into defiance..."
My brows drew together darkly as I grasped his implication. "You expect us to continue hiding our relationship even now? After everything we have endured together?" Indignation rose hotly in my chest.
But Enzo held up a placating hand. "It's a temporary precaution. Tensions are already high lately within the organization. News of your...indiscretion could ignite chaos." He faced me beseechingly. "I just need time to consolidate stability again."
I bit my tongue hard, emotions at war. I understood Enzo's logic - upheaval was indeed brewing, and revelation of my secret affair would roar those tempestuous flames higher. But I was so very tired of living furtively, of leashing my soul to please others. When would it end?
Sensing my roiling distress, Leonardo spoke up calmly. "Your brother only wants to keep us - to keep you - safe. I can be patient a bit longer if it ensures your security."
His steady composure helped settle my fraying nerves. Leonardo was right - staying inconspicuous until stability took root again was the wise path forward. And Enzo had gone to unimaginable lengths tonight to shield me already. I owed him understanding in return.
Taking a deep breath, I met my brother's concerned gaze. "You're right, I know. It just feels unjust needing to hide what has come to mean so much. But if discretion for now protects everyone..." I trailed off heavily.
Enzo's shoulders slumped slightly in relief. "It's temporary," he reaffirmed gently. "Just until the waters calm again. You have my word though - when that day comes, no archaic grudges or codes will keep you apart if you still choose it." He glanced between us solemnly. "I know now that kind of love is not easily denied."
I could only nod, throat unexpectedly tight. After a fraught beginning, my loyal brother was trying his best to pave the way for me to someday live and love freely, without secrecy or shame. It was more than I had dreamed possible hours ago.
As Leonardo and I retreated to the cramped bedroom to regroup privately, I turned to him almost desperately. "Can you reallyendure more waiting and hiding?" The thought of asking such sacrifice of him was agonizing.
But Leonardo simply cradled my face tenderly. "My love, after almost losing you, I would weather lifetimes more of that torment." His dark eyes held mine intently. "Whatever comes, we only grow stronger for it."
Reassured by his steadfast calm, I leaned into Leonardo's solid strength.
I awoke slowly, momentarily disoriented by my surroundings. Then the prior day's events came rushing back - the ambush, our desperate escape, finding refuge here. Leonardo's arms were still wrapped securely around me, his breath warm against my hair. Carefully, I extracted myself from his embrace. He barely stirred, clearly needing the rest to heal.
Padding quietly to the safehouse's cramped kitchen, I rifled through the provisions Enzo had secured, planning to make us all a decent breakfast. The domestic mundanity of it felt soothing after recent turmoil.
Soon the sizzling skillet and rich aroma of coffee filled the small space. Enzo emerged first, eyebrow quirking in surprise at seeing me cooking. "You didn't have to go to such trouble," he rumbled, reaching to squeeze my shoulder. His taciturn version of gratitude.
"It's no trouble," I assured him with a small smile. "Anyway, can't have you boys wasting away now that I'm here to look after you."
Enzo huffed a laugh, leaning against the counter beside me companiably as I finished up. The easy quiet between us felt like a balm. For all our past tensions, having my stalwart brother near brought an instinctive sense of safety. I hoped he felt it too.
At last I called softly for Leonardo, wanting to let him rest as long as possible. He joined us looking endearingly sleep-rumpled, fresh bandage peeking under his shirt sleeve.
"Smells delicious, cara," he murmured, dropping a kiss to my temple before accepting the heaping plate I offered. We crowded around the rickety table, Leonardo's knee pressed casually against mine. I treasured these unguarded touches that would need to vanish outside the safehouse walls.
But rather than linger on that inevitability, I tried simply savoring this moment together. My unlikely little family - fierce, protective Enzo who had shielded me all my life, and Leonardo, steady as bedrock beneath his wry humor, who saw me as no one else did. Both men had risked everything for my sake. I hoped they knew what that devotion meant to me.
Across the table, Leonardo caught my eye, lips quirking like he sensed my sentimental thoughts. I ducked my head abashedly and took a bracing sip of bitter coffee.
"This really hits the spot after the last few days," Enzo said. I could tell the hot meal and my fussing over him satisfied some deep big-brother instinct. It made something loosen in my chest too. Whatever uncertainties lay ahead, for now, I had managed to knit my disjointed worlds back together.
Later, as Enzo briefed us on various contingency plans, I broached a question that had been needling me. "That day, before everything happened...why did you rush me out of the house so urgently?"