Page 21 of Free Fire Zone
“Are you sure?”
“Absolutely. I don’t need you to hold my hand.”
“Right,” he nodded with a grin. “You’re a feminist.”
“Nota feminist. Just an equal opportunity…couch climber.”
He grunted out an amused sound and climbed through, then held his hand out for me. I started climbing through when a chuckle left his lips. My head snapped up and that’s when I realized my terrible decision to go second had actually given him even more than a peek at my private regions. Gasping, I grabbed the curtain and tugged it closed.
Which was the wrong move because I pulled too hard and the material tucked between my breasts pulled and fell open, revealing my top half this time instead of my bottom half.
So, there I stood.
On a couch in the middle of a door.
With my breasts hanging out.
Kill me now.
“What are you grinning about?”Brock asked as I plopped down in my chair with a beer.
“I think I have a real chance with Laura.”
“Yeah? Even after she flashed you multiple times, then ran upstairs like her hair was on fire?”
“Relax. I got the signal. It’s all good.”
“What’s the signal?” he questioned.
“She punched my shoulder.”
“Ah, the punch the shoulder routine. That’s a classic.”
“I know, which is why I know it’s all good.”
He nodded at me with a huge grin on his face. “It is a classic, but you have this all wrong.”
I was about to take another drink when I paused. “What do you mean? She punched me. That’s the signal.”
“Right, the signal that you’re just friends.”
“What? No, that’s not right. A punch is affectionate.”
“A punch is like saying,yeah, I like you, but it’s not going any further.”
“No, I swear. The punch is a sign she likes me. It’s the go-ahead signal.”
Brock snorted in amusement, but I didn’t find it very funny. “Yeah,it’s the signal that seven year old boys give to girls on the playground. You’re not seven and this isn’t the playground. She’s not into you like that.”
I frowned, thinking over the way she blushed when I told her that I couldn’t unsee what was under that curtain. There’s no way she was faking her reaction. “Okay, if she doesn’t like me, then tell me why her heart rate kicks up whenever I get close to her, or why she blushes from head to toe when I wink at her.”
“Uh…one, because you saw her naked when she was vulnerable. Of course she’s going to blush! And her heart rate kicks up because you’re boxing her in and making her uncomfortable.”
“Shit,” I said in realization. “You think so?”