Page 22 of Free Fire Zone
“It’s not rocket science. You misread the signals.”
I took another pull of my beer, wondering how I managed to do that. I really thought she was into me. Now…now things were just awkward. She was up in my shower, about to get in my clothes! How was I supposed to handle her prancing around my house wearing nothing but my t-shirt?
“You give her sweatpants,” Brock said, drinking his own beer.
“Sorry, what?”
“You were doing that thing where you think out loud.”
“I don’t do that,” I grumbled.
“Then how do I know that you’re wondering how you’re not gonna get a chubby while she’s here?”
I didn’t have an answer for that. But now I was totally screwed. Fuck, I thought this was gonna go somewhere. Now…Shit.
“Well, fuck. I really thought she liked me.”
“You could still go for it,” he shrugged. “What’s the worst that could happen?”
“She could punch me in the face instead of the shoulder,” I grumbled.
“Yeah, that could be bad.”
And then I thought of something even worse than that. “Fuck, we only have two beds.”
“Your point?”
“Where are we supposed to let them sleep?” I asked, getting upand kicking my damn chair. “It would be rude of us to make them sleep on the floor.”
“You think?” He said sarcastically. “I don’t know about you, but I’m taking the fatalistic one to bed.”
“Seriously? Even after all the doom and gloom talk?”
“I dig it,” he grinned. “Well, I’m mostly horny since Miranda won’t sleep with me. What’s with that?”
“Well, getting interrupted twice isn’t a coincidence. That’s a sign from the stars,” I said, just to piss him off as payback for him ruining my mood.
“Fuck you very much. I guess this means neither of us gets the woman we want.”
“Yeah, well, I should have known. She said this guy was coming into town. What was I thinking?”
“That you’d rescued her and she’d fall to her knees and suck your cock,” he pointed out.
“Right, I thought with the wrong head,” I nodded. “Screwed the whole fucking thing up.”
“Face it, she put you firmly in the friend-zone. There’s no getting out of it now.”
I fucking hated the friend-zone. “And she’s actually nice, someone I might get along with in real life. You know, aside from my fake life as a construction worker.”
“Aside from that,” he agreed. “You know, it’s probably for the best. I mean, really, what’s a woman like that going to do with a guy like you?”
“You mean, aside from pleasure me all night long?” I asked sarcastically.
“Hey, I’m just saying, she’s not exactly the type to go out with a guy like you. You’re too…brutish.”
“Brutish? I don’t think I’ve ever been called that.”