Page 26 of Free Fire Zone
He grinned at me as he headed upstairs. It wasn’t fair. He was getting laid with the depressing girl while I was doing everything possible to not offend the woman I really liked. And those sweatpants I gave her? Total turn on.
Even all baggy, I wanted to see what she looked like naked. There wasn’t a single thing about her that didn’t have me reaching down to adjust my cock every three seconds. I was totally into her. Why did dating have to be this hard?
“Huh?” I said, perking up when Laura looked over at me quizzically.
“You said something.”
“I did? I did! Yes, we should go to bed too.” I stood, then thought I should clarify so she felt comfortable. “Not to have sex. Just to sleep.”
She smiled up at me as though the reassurance was all she needed. “Thanks. That’s good to know.”
Good to know. That was me, Mr. Good To Know. I walked over to her and helped her stand, hating how much I loved it when she draped her arm around my waist. I could already feel her skin torching me through the layer of fabric. It wasn’t fair. No one should be this attracted to someone and not be able to make a move.
When we got to the stairs, it was pretty damn clear she couldn’t climb them on her own. “Um…how about I—” I bent over at the same time she did and we bonked heads. My eyes immediately went to the red mark on her forehead, but I refused to lean forward and press my lips to it like I wanted.
“Sorry, are you okay?” she asked.
“Me?” I scoffed, waving her off. “I have a head like an anvil. I’m going to lift you, and you’re going to stay straight.”
She grinned at me, her eyes twinkling with amusement. Twinkling, because that’s who she was. A breath of fresh air and the light of my life. Christ, I couldn’t be thinking like that. I’d known the woman all of one day.
But it was one day I would never forget.
“Are we going upstairs?” The questioning look on her face brought me out of my head and forced me to focus on the situation at hand. “Right, upstairs.”
I bent over and gently picked her up, refusing to feel her gentle curves beneath the massive amount of clothes I dressed her in. Even in my oversized shit, I could still feel the delicate nature of her body, her lithe figure that made me want to lay her out on my bed and see how far I could push her before she’d break.
Not that I wanted to hurt her.
I just wanted to see how much of me she could take. Which would never happen because I was officially friend-zoned. I pushed the dooropen with my foot and carried her over to the bed. After seeing her spread out for me—no, spread out to go to sleep—I just knew I couldn’t share a bed with her.
“Uh…I’ll sleep downstairs.”
“Don’t be silly. It’s a king-sized bed. There’s more than enough room for both of us. And we don’t even have to touch each other,” she added quietly.
It was like a knife twisting in my gut, calling me home to the land of the dead one agonizing second at a time. “Are you sure?”
She curled up on her side, facing away from me. If that wasn’t a clear as fuck signal to stay away, I didn’t know what was. I headed to the bathroom, leaning against the counter as I tried to get my dick under control. It was going to be hell sleeping next to her tonight. Maybe I could yank one out really quick, just so I was a little more tame and could actually sleep. I cracked open the door and saw her shoulders rising and falling ever so slightly. She was asleep already.
Shutting the door, I yanked down my pants and released the beast that had been threatening to escape from the moment I saw her naked in that basement. The first tug had my legs shaking with need. Flashes of her pretty pussy were the highlight of the show as I jerked my cock, feeling it swell every time I imagined sliding inside her heat. An indecent groan escaped my lips as I spread my precum over the head and down my shaft, imagining it was her pussy juices spreading over my cock.
But what really sent me over the edge was the image of her pretty tits when she opened the door stark naked, giving me the full picture that would live in my fantasies for the rest of my life. I choked on the urge to call out her name as cum splashed on the counter and down the front of the cabinet. Breathing hard, I looked at my handiwork, wishing it had been on her tits instead.
I scrubbed a hand down my face. “Fuck, you need to pull it together,” I hissed.
As quickly as I could, I wiped the cabinet down, then washed my hands five times, making sure the scent of sex was long gone from my hand. But even then, the smell lingered in the air, whether in my mindor not. I couldn’t go out there and lay next to her. What if she woke up and smelled it on me? Then I’d be the perv laying in bed next to her who jacked off and came to bed smelling like sex.
I turned on the cold water, yelping when I stepped under the spray from the shower. As quickly as possible, I washed my body, paying extra attention to my cock. When I shut off the water, I looked down at the still-rigid creature and scowled.
“Now, you listen to me. We’re going to go out there, and you’re going to behave yourself. She’s not interested in that, and if you start poking around for her, you’re only going to cause problems. I don’t want to have to have this talk with you again.”
I wrapped a towel around myself and sighed. I was giving my dick a lecture. I’d just hit a new low.
I shut off the light as I exited the bathroom. I could do this. It was as simple as going to sleep with my cousin beside me. If I’d ever slept beside my cousin, which I hadn’t. Still, it was just sleep. I just had to lay down and not think about it.