Page 27 of Free Fire Zone
I strolled over to the bed, stretching my shoulder muscles in the process. I had this. I pulled back the covers and laid down on the edge of the bed, making sure that my leg was touching the floor. That would keep me firmly on my side.
I stared up at the ceiling, thinking about all the ways this could go wrong. With no barrier between us, what if I rolled in my sleep? What if I snuggled her? She’d wake up and punch me in the face instead of in the arm. Then I’d really have some explaining to do. Maybe I should just sleep on the floor.
I peered over the side of the bed and grimaced at the hardwood floors. That was not an option. I didn’t want to wake up with a stiff back. That would get me made fun of even more than the black eye. I could hear the jeering now.
You had so little self-control that you had to sleep on the floor?
I was in the military, for God’s sake. I had the self-control of a…person really in control.
A monk! Yes, that’s what I should have been thinking. Monks have a ton of self-control. They vow to not have sex. Or was that priests? Were they even the same thing? Fuck, why was I thinking about this?
I glanced over at her and sighed. This wouldn’t do. I’d never fall asleep like this. I gently pulled off the covers and tiptoed from the bed over to my boxes. There had to be something in there I could use as a barrier. Hell, I needed the fucking wall of China at this point. All I came up with were my clothes that really needed to be washed, and my old gear bag. It had a few holes in it and a few grease stains, but overall, it was the perfect size when it was filled. I stuffed as much crap into it as I could and zipped it up, satisfied that I’d succeeded in my mission. Like I said, I was military. I never failed.
I placed it in the middle of the bed and laid back down, tucking my hands behind my head with a smile on my face. I felt a lot better. I really did.
If you didn’t count the fact that my dick was harder than it had been ten minutes earlier.
I moanedas I snuggled deeper into the warmth I was laying on top of. I couldn’t remember a time ever waking up as comfortable as I was right now. Although, I didn’t usually feel my heartbeat under my cheek. That was a new one.
Something tickled my nose and I brushed it away. I ran my hands over the warm pillow and pulled it into my body, curious as to why the pillow was so hard and wouldn’t move. How could a pillow be both hard and soft? It didn’t make sense. And again, why could I feel my heartbeat in a pillow?
I slowly peeled open my eyes, staring at the muscular chest that I was resting on.
Oh. My. God.
I’d done it. I’d rolled over and snuggled Dash in my sleep. He was going to be so pissed. He made it clear last night that he wasn’t into me. When he thought I was sleeping, I heard him get up and put a gigantic bag between us. That’s how much he didn’t want me near him. And now I was laying on top of him, my hands running over his smooth skin.
Stop moving!I mentally called out to my hands. They were caressing him, running over his abs, moving lower. I swore, I had nocontrol over what they were doing. Suddenly, the heartbeat I heard in my ear picked up speed. Hell, it was racing out of control. Oh, God. He was awake!
I jerked my hand back when I felt the hairs at the base of his V. That was a close one. I almost wrapped my hand around his cock. And how had that happened exactly? I looked as far south as I could without moving, and that’s when I saw it. He wasn’t wearing clothes.
Why wasn’t he wearing clothes? I was freaking out, losing my mind because I crossed a line he clearly didn’t want me to. I was never so forward with men, and if there was ever a man to let go of my inhibitions with, it would be Dash. But he wasn’t interested.
I had to find a way to extract myself from this situation with as little humiliation as possible. I could just roll over and pretend it never happened. He didn’t have to know I was awake. He might think that I just did this shit in my sleep. I could even go along with that thought, pretending to be embarrassed about it when we inevitably had the talk.
Oh no. Did I do it again?
Yeah, I could totally play that up. I just had to roll away now. Just fling my arm out to the side and grab my pillow, rolling into it. I could do that. It was just like acting. I was a terrible actress, but this was necessary. I could so do this.
On the count of three. One, two, three…I didn’t do anything.You didn’t do anything!
I know! I got scared.
Scared of what? All you had to do was roll over!
I know, but what if I did it wrong? What if I rolled and ended up making a fool of myself, or it wasn’t believable?
How could it not be believable? You’re not putting on a play. You’re simply rolling over.
Right, but what if I do it too dramatically? Or what if I don’t do it dramatically enough? What if he sees through it?
What if he doesn’t give a fuck because he’s still asleep?
Huh…Okay, that hadn’t occurred to me.