Page 104 of Twisted Truths
Excuse me?
You gave those to yourself!
I’m going to bed. I’ve got a fantasy to get off to
You got two girlfriends, have a good night.
I snorted and drained my beer. If my dad and the boys hadn’t come back, who knows where we would’ve ended up.
Naked in bed. Half naked against the wall. Limbs tangled.
The one woman who was the star of all my fantasies as far back as middle school. She was my wet dream!
And the mother of your son.
That thought deflated Mr. Happy.
I slammed my head back against the recliner. “I would’ve given anything to have been with her, and it all got so fucked up.”
The family room was quiet and no words of wisdom were spoken back to me.
He’s not yours.
Victoria’s voice repeated in my head. And I realized that when I first saw Charlie, like really saw him, I was filled with the same sense of love, awe and happiness I had when I held Dillon for the first time.
Do you believe a child has to come from you to be yours?
That is the dumbest shit I have ever heard. Love is love.
I have two sons
Yes you do and with any luck they’ll have my brains not yours go to bed, Henry
Laughter filled the room, and I wheezed for breath. I felt punch drunk; she was right. It was time for bed.
Sleep evaded me.
Was Charlie sleeping well? Does he ever have nightmares? Would he want his own room here? Does he like Legos? What’s his favorite food?
Flopping over to my side, I grabbed my phone and sent Miranda a message.
Does he ever have nightmares?