Page 105 of Twisted Truths
Would he want his own room here?
Does he like Legos?
What’s his favorite food?
What’s his favorite toy?
I tossed my phone down and closed my eyes just as my phone went off with a message.
He’s had one or two after watching somethingscary. You know like a Scooby Doo or Goosebumps.
You’ll have to ask him about a room.
Would Dillon like one here?
He loves Legos.
Potatoes. Any kind.
His favorite toy varies, currently it’s the small tower him and Dillon built after dinner.
Henry? Why aren’t you sleeping?
My brain won’t shut off.
Do you need me to sing you a lullaby? Or read you a story?
Are you mocking me?
Do I get to pick the story?
My phone rang, startling me. “Hello?”
“Henry? What’s wrong?” Her sleepy voice went straight to my dick, and I felt like a kid who wasn’t able to control himself.
“It’s a lot.”
She yawned into the phone. “I know. It is for me, too.”
“Did I wake you?” I kept my voice quiet. “That wasn’t my goal.”
“No. I’ve been drifting in and out. A lot of random thoughts are having a party.”
“Did you like your belly touched?”