Page 19 of Devoured By Demons
Option two is not great considering the man is more than fucking capable of kicking my ass, and a full fledge fight between the two of us will undoubtedly end up with one of us in the hospital.
Number three it is. “What the fuck are you doing?” I ask as I shove the door open.
“Jesus, Demon, what the fuck areyoudoing? This isn’t healthy, man.” He rubs his hands over his face. “This…” He extends his hands, motioning to the room around us. “Christ, it just fuckin’ cements what we’re all saying. Why can’t you just let it go?”
Time stops.
“Let it go?” my whisper raises the hairs on the back of my own neck. My vision goes hazy, and I hold tight to the knowledge that this man has saved me more times than I can count.
Swiping up a pile of papers with the names of Demonio de Hielo members plastered on them, I turn my back to Priest and shove them into a drawer.
Priest grabs my shoulder and when I turn on him and raise my fist, his expression causes me to falter. “Do it,” he urges. “Fuckin’ do it, D. If taking it out on me means you’ll let it go, then here I am. I know you think it is, but this isn’t the answer. You can’t take down an entire cartel by yourself, man. And killing those men—” He waves a hand toward the board where Lorenzo Garcia’s face stares back at me, a huge X drawn over it.
Priest’s eyes narrow. “You—you fucking killed him? By yourself?” He paces to the other side of the room, shaking his head. “Fuck, D. We have rules for a reason. We never hunt or kill sinners alone.”
“I’ll hunt whoever the fuck I want to hunt. I’m not one of your dogs anymore,” I say. “This has nothin’ to do with you or the club. I’m doin’ this for Sara.”
“Bullshit, you’re doing this foryou.She’s gone, and I know that fuckin’ hurts, brother, but you have to deal with it. Talk to me… talk to one of your brothers. Hell, talk to a fucking therapist for all I care.” He lifts his hand and points at the board. “But none of this is going to bring Sara back.” Face twisted into an expression of grief, he repeats, “She’s gone.”
The harsh sound my fist makes when it meets his face registers before I have a chance to stop myself.
Pens and paper fall to the floor when Priest slams into the table behind him. He rights himself and lifts his hand to swipe the blood from his mouth.
Betrayal, hurt, and disappointment all battle each other in his eyes. In the end, it’s resignation that wins. “I know whatyou’re trying to do, D. And even knowing it, it’s still fucking hard for me to accept who you’ve become.” He’s two steps outside the door when I give him my last piece.
“You keep telling me to let go… maybe it’s you who needs to let go of the illusion that this could have ended any other way.”I’ve lived this vendetta for so long, it’s permanently ingrained into the core of who I am. If I let Priest in on this, he’ll only try to stop me when I reach the end.
You can’t save someone who’s already dead. He had his chance long ago, and he chose his path.
“He loves you, you know?” Sara says, appearing next to me. “He’s only ever wanted to help you—to help both of us, remember?”
Sara and I were walking out of the grocery store when we heard Owen shout, “There he is!”
It was two days after I told Dom Lopez to go fuck himself and find someone else to be his bitch. I’d heard rumors he was running drugs for the local cartel, and I wanted no part of that shit. I had a kid sister to take care of and with all the responsibilities that included, I couldn’t risk going to prison.
Dom and his rabid dogs had been hanging around Sara’s school for the past week, a silent warning that if I didn’t come back, Sara would pay the price.
“Get him!” another guy shouted.
I held Sara’s hand with a death grip, and we ran. We ran until Sara’s feet gave way and she stumbled on the sidewalk. Skinned and bloody knees, she leapt to her feet and started running again. “Go, go! I’m okay!” she said urgently.
God, my little sister was the bravest fuckin’ kid I knew.
We made it around the corner only to come face to face with Dom.
I stopped and yanked Sara behind me. “Fuck off, Dom! I said I’m out.”
He charged. His momentum gave him an edge and the first punch threw me back. Fuckfuckfuck. Sara needed to get out of here, now—which meant I had to keep Dom’s attention on me. I turned to where she was trembling behind me. Her pale face and wide eyes broke my heart. Be strong, sis. Be strong. “Sara, run!” My voice cracked.
I should have known better than to take my eyes off Dom, because his second punch knocked me out cold.
When I finally came to, it was inside an old, dilapidated house with bare walls and a cold breeze blowing through the cracked windows. Where the fu—“Sara!” I shouted. “Nonono, fuck! Sara!”
Laughter came from the doorway before Owen appeared with another guy. “Sara, sara,” they mimicked. “Sara’s the last thing you need to worry about. Dom’s on his way and he’s feeling some kinda way about you thinkin’ you can just up and quit.”
Owen snickered, his yellow teeth showing through his sinister smile.
“Where is she?” I demanded as I twisted my fingers behind my back in an attempt to loosen the thick rope that was tied around my wrists. It must have been their first kidnapping rodeo because with a few rough tugs, my wrists were free just as Owen’s first kick slammed into my gut.