Page 20 of Devoured By Demons
I rolled over and leapt to my feet, fists raised. I eyed Owen and his friend and measured my odds. Owen had some weight on him despite his newfound obsession with coke, but his friend who more resembled a twig, must’ve been using longer and wouldn’t pose a challenge.
As Owen came forward for another strike, I swung. My jab connected with his jaw causing him to lose his footing. Iused it to my advantage and swung my leg wide, swiping his legs from under him.
He went down hard, and I was on top of him in seconds. We grappled until my hands found his throat and I squeezed. “Where the fuck is my sister?” I growled.
“Don’t just fuckin’ stand there!” he choked to Twig. Owen tried to shake me off, but his strength was no match for the rage that brewed inside. “Where is she, Owen!” I shouted as my fist connected with the flesh of his nose, breaking the cartilage.
Owen’s eyes lifted, connecting with something behind me. I tried to brace myself, but I wasn’t prepared for the blow to connect with the back of my head. Dazed, I was thrown off Owen’s still body. A boot hit my back, then punches rained down on me.
Come on, Zain. You gotta get the fuck up, man. Get to Sara.
I shifted my weight and tried to roll over, but another hit across the back of my head caused my vision to blur. My limbs felt heavy and weak, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t force myself to stand. My head lolled to the side, and I saw a steel bar covered with blood splatter.
Well fuck. I guess Twig fought dirty.
“Burn it down,” someone shouted. “Hurry, we gotta get out of here!”
Still groggy and unable to stand, I pulled myself along the floor searching for a way out.
Darkness pulled me under.
Time felt like an illusion. Had minutes passed or hours? I didn’t know, but slowly, the darkness gave way to glowing orange embers.
My first thought was, fuck, it’s beautiful.
The acrid stench of smoke and burning wood thrust me back into reality. The gravity of my situation gave me a much-needed surge of adrenaline. Harnessing the spike, I got to my knees, then made it to my feet. My hand went to the back of my head, and I winced when it came away wet, having made contact with the exposed flesh.
“Fuck!” I stumbled into the next room to find roaring flames licking the walls. Thick, black smoke suffocated the oxygen in the room. My lungs burned as they searched for clean air. I covered my mouth and nose with my shirt and ducked down low, screaming Sara’s name until I was hoarse.
Fuckfuckfuck! This is NOT how I wanted to fuckin’ die, but I can’t leave this house without Sara.
“ZAIN! ZAIN!” her voice sent a bolt of pure fear through me, and I followed the sound, screaming, crying, and begging her to come to me.
“PLEASE! SOMEBODY HELP HIM!” Sara’s screams continued.
“SARA!” I bellowed into the fire.
“She’s safe! You need to get out!” a deep voice shouted. “Can you get to the door?”
I would if I knew where the fuckin’ thing was, and my body was so damn tired.
When I finally burst through the door, I collapsed to the ground, instinct taking over as I desperately rolled around, convinced the flames were still licking at my skin.
“Sara!” I shouted seconds before a small body collapsed on top of mine so hard the breath was forced from my lungs.
Around us, people stared as I slowly stood, clutching Sara to my chest.
In the distance, sirens pierced the roar of the flames as first responders made their way to the scene.
Later, Kingston Blake, who I would come to know as Priest, told me he was heading home when he found Sara running down the street, screaming for someone to help. Whenhe arrived, the house was fully enveloped. All he could do was hold Sara back so she didn’t run into the burning house.
It wouldn’t be until years later that Priest would tell me it was fate. That our meeting was always meant to be, and that when he saw me step out of that house, backlit by the flames of hell, he knew I was who he was searching for.
And so, I became Demon.
Chapter 7