Page 41 of Dragon Rejected
“Yeah, like a badass. No one I know would fight those assholes all at once. I’m shocked you survived,” Remy cheered, clearly impressed.
“I still don’t get it. Why would I fight them? I have no magic or a dragon to do so. Was I trying to get myself killed?”
“You don’t have any memory of agreeing to train with them to bring out your dragon?”
Kaida thought about it for a moment. She tried to think of anything that happened before she woke up here, but the last thing she remembered was seeing Beckett in Azulia’s store.
“Well, you did. Beckett explained that it was to, possibly, get your dragon to emerge. Something about it would make your dragon want to protect you against them,” Adrien explained.
“I am going to assume due to the trauma she endured that her mind is just blocking out the fight,” Azulia mentioned in a concerned tone.
Kaida wasn’t sure how to really go from there, so she asked the next question she needed answered instead.“So, why did I end up here?”
Remy sneered, “Well, probably like you said. You tried to fight them with no magic or strength, and they were who they are and gave it their all instead of going easy on you.”
“Beckett said they did go easy on her. She just wasn’t able to defend herself in any way, so…”
“So, she is now in her bed and has fought for her life the last two days while you injected her with potions and cast healing spells on her almost constantly so she didn’t die.” Remy spewed in an annoyed tone.
Azulia shook her head at the Lycan, “Beck isn’t like the other three. He actually cares about Kaida. Not to mention, if those four wanted her dead, she would be. We’ve been around long enough to know that already.”
“I’ve been asleep for two days?” Kaida was dumbfounded at that information.
“Uh… yeah… Your body needed to heal from the trauma of the damage done by the magic. Was that the first time you had ever engaged in any kind of battle?”
Kaida looked up at the ceiling. She hated that the answer was yes. Every part of her wished that she was trained to fight instead of pampered.Maybe it would have convinced my dragon that I was worthy of her, and she would have shown up if I had been trained as a warrior.
“Well, now that you are awake, let's get your body moving. We do not need loss of circulation. Let’s also get some food into you. You’re not fully healed, just enough to bring you out of that coma.”
Adrien and Remy assisted her by wrapping her arms over their shoulders. Once Kaida was on her feet, she felt a little dizzy, and her knees wobbled as she tried to take another step. Adrien told her to take a couple of deep breaths to help steady her. Kaida felt a spark of something inside of her chest and a warmth spread through her body. The power she felt course through her renewed the strength in her limbs, and she was able to stand up straight without any help, resulting in the girls all looking at each other and then back at Kaida.
“You didn’t feel that?” Remy questioned as she scanned Kaida’s body as if she was waiting for something to jump out at her.
“Feel what?”
“Your dragon, Sweetie. She just healed you. I’m not even sure how she was able to in this capacity. Healing a body is one thing; all shifters can do that but over a few hours. This was instant.”
Kaida looked around the room and tried to understand each girl’s reaction, “Is that a good thing?”
“Hell yeah. It means your dragon is freaking powerful. You might be able to knock those damn crowns from the Four’s heads. Which I so need to witness.”
Kaida smiled at Remy’s answer. The Lycan’s attitude was what Kaida loved about her the most. She may have had a mouth on her, but something told Kaida that Remy could back that up if she needed to. Unlike Kaida.
I feel as vulnerable as a baby. I need to get better at this whole being a warrior thing.
When they got to the kitchen, Kaida’s stomach growled so loud that it almost sounded like a dragon. Azulia snorted at the sound, and Remy growled back at it. Then the Lycan told Azulia that she needed to get to cooking before Kaida’s stomach shifted and ate them all. Between Azulia and Adrien, within thirty minutes there were mounds of eggs, bacon, toast, pancakes, and sausage to feed half the island. Kaida was amazed at Adrien’s magic being able to replicate the food to create the amount with less work.
As Kaida scarfed down two plates of everything, she thought she would taste the difference, but it all tasted as it should. The pancakes were fluffy and sweet, the sausage was savory with a bite of pepper, the eggs were scrambled perfectly, and Kaida tasted the milk that was used to mix them up, and the bacon was the perfect blend of salty and savory and just crispy enough to give her a satisfying crunch. When she was finished, her stomach felt so full that she sat back in her chair and took a few deep breaths.
“How is magically replicated food that damn good?”
Adrien chuckled, “Because the base of what I replicated was good. Thankfully, Azulia and I were taught how to cook growing up. We didn’t have others cooking for us.”
Kaida curled her lip at the remark, “Excuse me, but was that a dig at me?”