Page 42 of Dragon Rejected
“More like a dig at you, me, and Sundrei,” Remy sneered but then smiled at Adrien to know it was a joke.
“It’s not really a dig. I’m sorry it came off that way. I just lived a very different life.” Adrien looked at Kaida, and Kaida gave her a warm smile. Hoping that it would convey that she wouldn’t mind Adrien telling her story. Adrien nodded like she understood the unspoken words in Kaida’s smile. “I am the daughter of the High Priestess and Priest. I come from a long line of Witches who were all named that rank within our coven. With expectations of running the coven someday with my mate, I had to master everything: every magical spell inside every book in our library. Thankfully, the Lunar Goddess blessed me with the power and capabilities to be able to do it. My older sister… not so much. Originally she was to take over, but her power was not of the same caliber as mine. She was ten years older, and I came to be because my parents knew she wouldn’t be able to take their place. Worst of all, her mate rejected her for being too weak. He sent her here… and then killed her because their bond was too strong, and he couldn’t move on. He is now the Priest of a rival coven. And his younger brother… is my mate.”
Kaida gasped. She didn’t expect that at all. “The ones that are trying to open a portal to the Dark Dimension?”
“Yep. They wanted me out of the way just so they could. I just need to figure out where my artifact is, and then I can stop them. They need a Blood Moon to accomplish opening one. I have three months to map out what I need to do.”
“If there is anything I can ever do, let me know. You’ve helped me so much since I was dropped here. Anything you need, I’ll do it.”
Adrien smiled at her, “Thanks. I’ll keep that in mind.”
“You know what you can do? Get that dragon of yours to come out all the way. Then Adrien can ride on your back! You singe anyone who stands in your way, Adrien gets her artifact, and then you both bring those suckers down!” Remy cheered her idea as she pumped her fist in the air.
The other girls rallied behind her, making Kaida giggle. Well, almost everyone. Sundrei sat in a corner away from everyone as she stared out the window. Kaida leaned just enough to see what she could be looking at and realized that Sundrei was looking toward her kingdom. Clearly, the Vampyre missed her home. Kaida knew nothing of her and wished she knew the story of how she ended up here.
Maybe I should see if she would like to hang out sometime, just us two. Maybe she isn’t as close with the others as I originally thought, and she could use an actual friend.
After they all finished eating and cleaning the kitchen, the girls fell into a heavier discussion. Remy was the first person to start talking about how much she didn’t like any of the Four, regardless of Beckett bringing her here so she could be healed. Apparently, Remy drilled Beckett about what happened when she noticed that Kaida was unconscious. Beckett did not protest in any way at Remy yelling at him, which Kaida was surprised at.
From how it was explained, the four of them agreed that they wouldn’t push Kaida too far during the first session. Beckett advocated for this due to Kaida not having any type of battle training or magic to help her in any way. However, the other three made no such promise. Beckett explained that he did not use as much power as the others, and he was the first one that ran to her when she became unconscious.
As the girls explained everything, Kaida’s memory of the training slowly returned. By the end of the story, she could remember just about everything. The only thing she couldn’t recall was right before she lost consciousness. When they told her that she collapsed after the combined attack, Kaida only remembered the pain from the vines and being hit with the sand.
Remy ranted for a few minutes at how much she hated the boys. While the Lycan raged on, she swore every other word. Kaida had to stifle a laugh because it reminded her of something her dad would say.
Someone who swears every other word is putting a curse on the person they are talking about. That’s why they are called curse words!
There was a knock at the door that drew everyone’s attention. Remy growled as she moved her way over to it. Judging by her reaction, Kaida suspected the person on the other side was one of the four. When the door opened, and Kaida saw a leather jacket, long brown hair, and Beckett’s smiling face, she knew her assumption was correct. Her stomach did a flip-flop at the sight of him, and she had an urge to run to him so she could bury her face into his neck. A tugging in her chest made the urge amplify. Kaida made her way over to the door and stood behind Remy.
“What do you want, scale boy?”
Beckett smirked at her, “I need to borrow Kaida for a bit.”
“She just started healing completely from the last time you had her. No.”
Kaida giggled at Remy’s fierce protectiveness. She put a hand on Remy’s shoulder to get her attention.
“I’m good, Rem. It’s okay.”
“No, it's not. You don’t need to be training again when you just healed this morning. Your dragon isn’t going to emerge if you’re dead.”
“Do you think I’d let my mate die, Lycan?”
Remy growled, “You almost let her die last time. So excuse me if I am not confident in your ability to keep her safe.
The room's temperature dropped like a winter storm was on the horizon. Kaida felt the presence of Adrien and Azulia at her back. Their magic brushed her skin. Usually, their magic felt like a gentle touch, like someone caring for her would do to comfort her. This time, the magic felt like static against her skin, charged and ready to attack at any moment.
“Guys, I’m fine! Let’s not kill each other over me when I AM FINE! Go at each other’s throats when I’m dead. That makes much more sense than this.”
Beckett kept his eyes on Kaida. They twinkled in pride as Kaida pushed her way past Remy to step outside. Remy didn’t stop her like Kaida thought she would. Instead, Remy decided to get one more thing into the conversation.
“If she is brought back here while she is clinging to this world ever again, and it’s by the hands of you or your stupid brothers, nothing will stop us from putting all four of your dragons’ heads on our walls.”
Remy closed the door on them, giving Kaida a wink beforehand. Beckett glanced down at her; his eyebrow cocked to question what that was all about.
“They’re protective of me; what can I say?”