Page 30 of His Human Runaway
I step out into the bedroom and look around.
He seems to feels comfortable with me being in his space and I feel comfortable in his space. In fact, I really love his bedroom, the furniture, the color on the walls, the bedding I would probably just add a few touches here or there. Oh my gosh, look at me. I’m daydreaming as if I live here. What would it be like if I lived here? What would it be like if I moved into this bedroom with him? What if I moved in and my clothes were on the other side of his closet? What if I slept here? I would choose that side of the bed to sleep.
What does this mean that I’m thinking this?
I am supposed to be helping as I hide in his house. And he is taking care of me and letting me eat and live here until the danger passes and I can return home and I appreciate all he’sdoing for me. And that’s it. That’s all that this is. We aren’t a couple, just two people thrown together temporarily.
Or am I wrong and he’s no longer my employer and instead my boyfriend?
Am I technically his wife already and Thorn is my husband?
I leave the bedroom and walk down the hallway, past the guest room and open the doors again to the empty bedrooms upstairs. They are all so bright and sunny and I can envision children growing up here happily.
He said he wants me swollen with his offspring.
Do I want to be a mom?
Yes, yes of course I do. I come from a large family and I always hoped I’d find someone in the future who wanted that too, but it seemed so distant. I place a hand against my stomach, a smile widening across my face at the thought of carrying a baby. Thorn’s baby. I guess I’m so very ready for this phase of life, aren’t I? I can slow down and make a life here. It’s possible.
But that will only happen if I want everything. We’ve shared kisses and lots of sexual tension and friendship, and then I can be gone as if this never happened in the first place. Or it’s everything and I make this my forever home.
I bite at my lip and make my way downstairs to work on his office.
I discover a box of awards. I learn that when Thorn Flagstone was a teenager, he raised championship Fire Birds, the best in not only the county but on the entire planet. Wow. And for some strange reason all his awards are in a box and not being displayed. How sad.
Shouldn’the be proud of what he’s done and what he accomplished? I’m proud and I just met him.
Two cleaning bots quickly build a shelf for the awards. This gives me a chance to go through each one and place it on the shelf. I suppose I could have had the cleaning bots do this part too but it gives me the opportunity to look at each one in detail, make sure it’s clean and shiny and on the shelves just how I like.
It’s odd not being here as his bookkeeper or accountant or assistant. I’m so used to working in a business environment. But this is nice, taking a break and working on a ranch with the quiet of the open spaces. Maybe I was getting too focused on my career? Looking back, I can see I jumped too quickly on the position with the mafia. It seems obvious now it was all too good to be true and crafted to appeal to a gullible human female like me. I feel stupid that I got caught up in that situation.
I go through his desk drawers and find the same jumbled mess that was in his bedroom, so I spend time trying to organize this area too and I make notes of what I need to purchase for him so that his tasks will be easier. How does he even get any work done? I glance at his screens. I don’t have the code to enter and work on organizing his messages and accounts like I normally would in my former jobs. This could be what I do for him. I look around the office, again imagining myself here, in this sunny space, working with Thorn. Getting this side of his business running like clockwork so he can focus on what he obviously loves the most—working outside with his herds and caring for his property.
But this time instead of me working for someone else, this would be my business too. We’d be partners running this ranch.
This idea warms my heart.
I’m loving the idea of being self-employed and the co-owner of a business and in fact working from home. I’d always assumed my whole life I’d work for others and I was going to hop from job to job, trying to get something better or that fit me better and made me happy. But this is nice. I’ve learned I’m a self-starter who doesn’t need someone to tell me what to do. In fact I love being able to think for myself. I could work whenever was best for me, as long as I got it done. If I want to work on the bookkeeping in the office in my pajamas at midnight, I can. I wouldn’t have to waste time commuting. My commute would be from the bedroom downstairs to the home office. I could use my own bathroom during breaks.
I pick up my tablet and take a picture of the awards on the shelf and send them to Thorn, because I’m so proud of how they look.
There’s an immediate response.I forgot all about those. Thank you, Mica. Those are good memories.
You’re welcome, Mister Championship Fire Bird Breeder.And I add a kissy face Hyrrokin emoji.
He responds with three different Hyrrokin faces that are laughing.
I think I might love this man.
The next dayI’m super busy in the kitchen because my food is a hit. Yesterday, the workers all devoured my cookies and clamored for more. Thorn declared my human dishes at lunch and dinner “were some of the best food I’ve ever tasted.” Wow, these guys are easy to please. But it’s nice knowing they like what I cook and I love cooking so it’s a win-win. Especially since I get to work in an amazingly gorgeous kitchen with large windows of a spectacular view. And also, the cleaning bots do all the dishes.
Today I’m baking more of the same cookies, as well as a chocolate cake for the barracks. The kitchen smells fantastic. I’ve turned on some black market original planet music on my tablet by a singer I really enjoy lately named Taylor Swift and dance around while I prep and bake. Stew bubbles in the crock pot, made from the same meat fresh from the cooling unit thatcomes from their own stock. I plan on setting aside some of the cookies I bake today because I noticed he was very grouchy at the thought of the men getting all the sweets and none for us. I’ll make sure there’s a plate just for him.
After I set a timer for another batch of cookies I receive another message from Sheriff Loadstone.Team Molten Lava used your intel to intercept and thwart the assassination attempt on Queen Rebyka. The whereabouts of Rokena and Avid Brimstone are still unknown.
I smile, relieved to hear that the Queen is safe.
But my nerves are still on edge because this also means the hit has not been called off. I assume I’m still not safe until those two are behind bars. But on the other hand, now that the assassination is over, what do they care about me? Wouldn’t those two be more focused on maybe getting off planet to avoid prison, rather than wasting time trying to still have me killed?