Page 31 of His Human Runaway
I can only hope.
The next daythere’s a knock on the front door.
I’ve already got a roast in the oven and a pie cooling on a rack, so I run to the door without worry. More packages arrive from the shopping excursion with Thorn. I thank the delivery driver and close the door, staring at the wall of packages, suddenly indecisive. I’ve already hung up lots of clothes from the first trip to town in the guest bedroom. But now I’ve got so many more shoes and lingerie, and everything.
I glance upstairs, to the door of the primary bedroom and bite my lip.
That’s it…Time to do something, even if it’s wrong.
I’m going to have to move into his room.
He’s not going to make the first move because I told him I needed to take things slow and he promised to then follow mylead. But I don’t want to sleep by myself anymore and it seems silly to put all these new items in the guest room. Why do I continue to go to a separate room each night from the man I…well the man I care about greatly. The man who wants me as much as I want him.
So that day, while he’s at work, I direct the cleaning bots to help me move everything into his room.
I return my old room back into a guest room, like it’s meant to be.
And I start to daydream if it’s meant to be a nursery.
Chapter 12
Icome home from a long day’s work and discover that Mica Roberts has moved into my bedroom. I know this because she’s napping on my side of the bed.
I grin and quietly lean against the doorframe and watch her for a moment, not wanting to awake my sleeping beauty.
Mica wants me as much as I want her.
The first clue was when I scented her arousal. The second clue was when she admitted that she wanted me as more than her employer.
And then she kissed me.
But my female was mistreated by other Hyrrokin when she first arrived and she still does not tell me the whole story of who she was with and why. This trauma has caused her to need to take this relationship slow and I am surprised she’s made the leap into moving in with me. I assumed ‘slow’ meant I’d have to wait a few moon cycles at least before she was in my bed, but instead she’s only been here at the ranch for less than a week.
The only explanation is that she must’ve learned in her heart that I am indeed her mate.
I am ready for this. I’ve already let the entire community know that she’s mine. I told her I wanted her to become the mother of future Flagstones.
And most importantly, her attraction and arousal for me continues to burn bright.
But even though she is sleeping here, I must remember that Mica is human and I will remain ready to continue to take things slow, no matter how difficult this is, considering how little she knows of Hyrrokin mating customs.
I am lucky to have met a female who is smart with business, compassionate and loving towards animals, who seems to enjoy living on the ranch and whom my workers and brothers appreciate. And as a bonus her cooking is fantastic. I cannot let this female slip away from me. I’d probably have a riot to deal with from Burl and the ranch hands if she left. The food she has made so far is some of the best I’ve eaten and the most interesting. It is all very soft because she doesn’t have the teeth to tear into her food, but it is acceptable. All of us enjoy her food made from exotic human ingredients. But I don’t want her cooking as much for the other males. My possessive nature toward my future bound is undeniable.
I go past her sleeping form and step into the closet and find her clothes lined up on her side. Everything arrived today from the clothing store and I’m glad to see it all here, where it belongs. She’s even sleeping in the sexy mating pajamas I secretly chose for her from the store.
I quietly step into the bathroom and close the door behind me. It pleases me to see her personal items here, too in the cabinets and on the counter. Then I remove my dirty pants and underwear and push them into the clothes washer. My belt and buckle drop to the floor. Then I wash off the dirt and the day’s work in the cleansing unit. I pick out some dark pajama pants and stride back into the bedroom. It’s not the evening yet, onlylate afternoon, but no harm in resting early. She must’ve worn herself out with all the moving.
I sink down quietly, so as not to disturb her and stretch out beside my female. This is not my normal side to sleep on, but I assume I will have to get used to it since she’s chosen where she wants. I glance over at her and decide that I need her in my arms.
I move to my side, facing her and carefully pull my arms around her and then we are so very close. She whimpers and then snuggles closer and falls back asleep with a smile on her lips.
She smells amazing. I love her scent in my lungs.
Soon, my eyes close too and I’m asleep.
I wakeup later to the feel of a female rubbing herself against my hard cock.