Page 31 of The Flirty Vet
"Who said that?" I stomp around the room, like I'm looking for where the question came from.
He giggles.
"But, yes, definitely lots of maple syrup. Whipped cream, too. Mmm." I rub my belly. "And if Kolby Jebediah Linfox is fast asleep, it means I get to have his?—"
He's out of that bed and zooming towards the bathroom before I can finish what I'm saying.
"Uh-oh," I hear him call out from down the hall.
Fuck. What now?
I scramble after him. Kolby's wincing by the bathroom door as his older sister, Bridgette, slowly steps out, face pale as cow's milk.
"What's the matter with you?" I ask, brushing past Kolby and feeling her forehead. She doesn't have a fever. If anything, she's a little on the cold side.
"Don't feel well," she says meekly. "I just threw up."
"Oh, you poor thing." I graze her cheek. "Jump back into bed. I'll bring you some water and toast in a sec."
Kolby pushes past me, and as he enters the bathroom, lets out a shriek. "Yuck! Bridge chucked up everywhere!"
"Sorry." She bows her head. "Didn't make it to the toilet bowl."
"That's all right, sweetie." I lead her down the hall to her room. "Happens to the best of us."
And the worst of us.
A memory of that night in Sydney flickers in my mind. Hard to believe it was six weeks ago. Even harder to believe not a day has gone by since I returned where I haven't thought of Col.
The funny way we met.
How nice he was…once I pierced through that thick layer of New York grump, and he realised I wasn't a baddie.
How easy it was to talk to him.
How much I loved making him smile.
Our time at the beach.
Our time in the water at the beach.
How surprisingly hard it was saying goodbye.
And those dual-coloured eyes of his.
I can still see 'em clear as day. Mesmerising. Hypnotic. Intriguing. Fuck. There are no words in the English language to describe those amazing eyes.
And when the fuck did I become such a sap, stuck on a guy I barely know and spent less than twenty-four hours with?
It's official. I'm the king of pathetic.
"Yuuuck!" Kolby yells again.
I guide Bridge into her room. "You need anything?"
"I'm okay." She climbs into her bed and nods towards the door. "Go to him."