Page 91 of Outcast
She clapped her hands together and smiled wide. “Perfect.”
“What color is your dress tomorrow?” Leona asked Jolie.
“Silver,” she answered and pointed at the far end of the closet where an elegant silver dress covered in gems hung.
“Oh, that’s nice!” Leona said and walked over to inspect it.
“What about yours?” Jolie asked.
“Off white with red and gold stitching,” Leona answered.
“You go to the events too?” I asked Leona.
“Well, I am mated to a prince,” she said. “But the truth is that Jolie forces me to go.”
“I need my friend there to rescue me from the boring and pompous attendees,” Jolie said as she looped her arm around Leona’s waist and tugged until their hips bumped against each other.
Leona was much taller than Jolie and she smiled down at the shorter woman.
Jolie gasped suddenly and spun around. “You’ve never played videogames!”
I blinked. “Um, no. I haven’t.”
“Game time!” Leona and Jolie shouted, raced over, grabbed my arms, and dragged me out of the closet. The shoes and necklace were left on the couch.
“Um, the shoes and?—”
“We’ll get it later. The event is here, remember?” Jolie said. “This isfarmore important.”
“Games are more important?” I asked.
She scoffed. “Games are more important than anything.Anything!”
We walked into one of the living rooms and she released me to grab controllers from their charging stations.
Leona sat down with me on the couch and asked, “What game should we start her with?”
“Karting?” Jolie suggested.
Leona nodded. “Yes!”
Jolie put a controller in my hand and I looked at the strange thing, buttons and joysticks and other buttons on the top that I didn’t know what to do with or how to hold.
Leona showed me how to hold it while Jolie grabbed a disc and put it into one of the many gaming consoles they had. She explained what buttons did what for this game and I was totally lost, but determined to try my best.
For some reason, I felt like this was more important to them than the dancing.
The game started and I pushed the button that accelerated my vehicle. I crashed into a few walls the first few laps, in last place, while Jolie and Leona vied for first place.
Despite coming in dead last, I was smiling.
“Again?” Jolie asked.
I nodded. “Again!”
Two hours later, I was bent forward, eyes focused on my screen, doing my best to keep my vehicle on the road, passing the computer players, and finally came in third place.
“Woo!” I shouted and raised my controller in the air.