Page 92 of Outcast
Jolie and Leona took turns high-fiving me and we started another game.
“There you are,” Caleb said from behind me.
“Hi,” I said and bit my lower lip as I focused, trying to beat Leona for second place. I’d almost won last time, but she hit me with a bomb at the last second causing me to go from third all the way to sixth.
“Turn here!” Caleb shouted and while I wasn’t sure why, I obeyed and gasped when I ended up on a secret path, one that was a shortcut. “Right here! Left! Jump!”
I crossed the finish line in first place, jumped to my feet, and shouted, “Yes!”
“Cheater!” Jolie accused.
“Mom, you taught me that shortcut,” Caleb argued.
“Yeah, but I wasn’t using it to make it fairer for Ember,” she countered.
I leaned over the back of the couch and kissed Caleb’s cheek. “Thanks.”
“We should play balloon pop,” Caleb said, grabbed a controller and sat down beside me.
“Oh, you’re so on,” Leona said confidently. “I am going to whoop your ass.”
“Bring it, Auntie,” Caleb replied.
Before long, everyone in the house was in the room, taking turns playing the games, laughing and teasing each other. Even Triston and Branson joined in, both sitting on the floor with their shoulders touching my legs and Caleb and Riddick sat on either side of me.
For the first time, I felt a sense of warmth in my soul, a sense of completeness.
For the first time, I felt like I was home.
After packing all of my stuff into an SUV, as well as the guys’ stuff, we headed into the city, finally going to the apartment building we would be living in.
Caleb and Riddick had the most stuff, which made sense, since they lived in the house since they were kids. They left some items there, for when they visited, but the majority was coming to their new place.
“How are we deciding apartments?” Triston asked.
“Based on defensibility,” Riddick answered. “Ember gets the middle floor, to ensure she is the safest.”
“I’ll be on the top floor since I can fly and deal with any intruders who can also fly,” Caleb said.
“Bottom floor is mine,” Riddick said.
“Wait, each apartment gets anentirefloor?” I asked.
“No, Triston and Branson are on the same floor,” Caleb answered.
“We’ll carry Riddick’s stuff in first, since he’s on the first floor, then we can inspect each room on the way up the floors,” Ezio said, our driver and guard for the day, apparently.
Caleb nodded his agreement to that plan.
Parking in front of the building, we all climbed out and headed to the front door where a middle-aged woman stood in a pants suit. She bowed as we walked up. “Your Highness, it is a pleasure.”
“You must be the landlord, Ms. Patty?” Caleb asked and held out his hand for her to shake.
She nodded and shook his hand. “Well, I’m the daughter of the Ms. Patty your parents knew.” She laughed. “Here are the keys and codes. Everything has been cleaned and is ready for your stay. Please call me at the number on the back of the card if you need anything.” Bowing once more, she walked away.