Page 93 of Outcast
Caleb used the key on the front door and entered a code. It was interesting to see a door you needed both for, but I wasn’t opposed to the double security at all.
There was a foyer with a rack for umbrellas, hooks for jackets, and mailboxes. Around the corner was an elevator and a door, which turned out to be Riddick’s apartment.
We carried his stuff into his apartment, then locked the door and headed up the elevator to the second floor, which was Triston’s and Branson’s. Each of the apartments was already furnished, which made things much easier. The third floor was mine, and I was surprised at the size of my apartment. It was definitely larger than Triston’s and Branson’s, but they swore they didn’t mind. All of the bags of items I’d purchased were in the bedroom, and there were a few boxes on the dining room table that I wasn’t sure what was inside of them, but we went up to Caleb’s apartment before I had a chance to check them.
Caleb’s apartment was very clean, but after lugging all his stuff inside, became cluttered with boxes and bags.
“Let’s check out the roof,” Caleb suggested.
Ezio pushed open the door that gave us roof access and I shivered when I stepped out onto the roof, the wind chilling me. There were a few tables, chairs, couches, and a grill as well asstring lights around the edges. It was a cute hangout spot that I looked forward to using.
“What do you think?” Caleb asked as I looked out over the city.
“It’s perfect,” I whispered.
He slid his arms around me and hugged me from behind. “Just like you.”
“Flatterer,” I teased.
“Shall we take some time to set up our apartments?” Riddick suggested. “We don’t need to go to the house until six o’clock and the stylists will be here at four, so there’s still lots of free time.”
I nodded. “Yes, please.” Unpacking would help me acclimate to the apartment. Plus, as much as I loved spending time with everyone, I needed a little alone, decompression time.
“Meet back at my apartment at one for lunch?” Caleb offered.
We all agreed and headed back inside.
Caleb stopped me at his door and waited until everyone else continued on towards the elevator. “Text if you need help or anything, okay?”
I patted my back pocket where my cell phone was. “Yes, sir.”
He squeezed my hand. “Thank you for being so … accommodating. I know this has been a lot of change for you. I just want you to know it means a lot to me that you’re part of this pack and agreed to dating us.”
My chest squeezed at the vulnerability he was showing me suddenly. “Thank you for inviting me. I hope …” No, I didn’t just have hope. “… I am excited about the future for the first time in my life. Thank you.”
He kissed me tenderly, his hands cupping my face, and he rubbed his cheek against mine, drawing in a deep breath of my scent. “Have fun unpacking. Remember, that is your home now.”
I nodded, winked, and said, “You’ve got way more to unpack then me. Don’t get too overwhelmed.”
Hurrying down the stairway to my apartment, I shut and locked the door and smiled giddily. My apartment in the building with my boyfriends. Yeah, this was definitely going to be great.
There turned out to be a radio in the room, so I turned it on and danced around, singing loudly as I put all my stuff away. The extra boxes turned out to be housewarming gifts from Jolie and Leona, which were some cute throw pillows for the couch, a black metal mirror with scrollwork designs around the edge that I hung up over the makeup table in my room, and a few super soft blankets which I laid across the back of the couch. They would certainly be used while I was curled up on the couch reading or watching television.
Lunch was quick, because we all wanted to get back to organizing our apartments, and I had to decline helping Caleb with his twice before he pouted and accepted it.
Back in my living room, I changed the music to something a bit softer, and lay down, cuddling with one of the new blankets. Two hours of complete isolation helped recharge my batteries and when the stylists showed up, Ezio with them, I was ready to face the evening.
They washed, blow dried, and styled my hair, painted my nails, and applied makeup. I didn’t put the dress on yet, waiting to do that once we got to the house and I could get the shoes and jewelry from Jolie.
“Do I look okay?” I asked Ezio. “Good enough for this event?”
He smiled and nodded. “You look great, Ember. Caleb and the others aren’t going to know what to do with themselves.”
“Behave, hopefully,” I joked.
He laughed. “Once you’re in that dress, they’re going to lose their minds. I doubt you’ll be more than a few feet from any of them all night. They’re going to be growling at any single malewho gets too close to you.” He sighed and shook his head. “I think my guard duties are going to be tougher tonight.”
“Sorry to put you out,” I teased.