Page 70 of Heinous Crimes
“Right. Kill, dismember, ask for forgiveness later.” She nestled into me, cuddling against my side. “I thought I was your God now?”
“You are,” I spoke with no hesitation whatsoever. “You are God in my eyes, Giselle. Anything you want, anything you ask of me, I will do it no questions asked.” Anything and everything; I was not exaggerating when I said I’d do anything for her.
We’d both come to the conclusion that those who were supposed to protect us from the evils of this world had failed in their duties, so people like us had to do it for ourselves, for each other, for other people similar to us. Miguel might not be her biological father, but that did not change the scars inside. If anything, it made them worse, made them deeper and thicker, uglier.
Giselle’s whole life had been a lie. She’d never known true kindness, adoration, acceptance, or love. We were alike in that way. I think that was why we were so drawn to each other.
She tugged at the neckline of her shirt, pulling out a long chain that was, until now, hidden beneath the fabric. I saw the bejeweled, golden cross she’d once attempted to leave at my church—the cross of her true father, the only man that had ever shown her kindness. A man who had been taken from this world too soon.
Her fingers rubbed against the yellow metal. “Did I ever thank you for refusing to take this?”
I thought back. “I… don’t believe you did, no, but you need not thank me. I was only returning what belonged to you.” The night I’d taken that cross, found the party Luca had thrown for the heirs and would-be heirs… the night I’d fought with her over the right to return that cross, only to have her storm away from me in refusal.
I didn’t know it then, but that was the night everything started to change for me. Slowly, at first, and then like a whirlwind. That night was the first flicker, the first lick of flame that would soon turn into a raging fire. I could tell Giselle was broken even then, but it wasn’t until much later that I discovered why.
If time was something I could control, I would rewind it, save her from that night when she was fifteen, protect her from Miguel, and keep her safe. I would do everything a true family should for her.
Giselle gave me a soft smile. “I know, but… but thank you anyway. I never should’ve tried to pawn this off on you.” She held the golden cross against her chest, breathing softly, evenly, as if she was finally accepting of it.
“Yes, but looking back, it did give me an excuse to see you.”
She leaned her head on my shoulder, sighing out, “You know, I thought you were a little creepy at first.”
“Creepy?” I echoed. I was not hurt; I knew I could come across as strange. My emotionless face could come off as bizarre to some, sure, and maybe it was because I was a priest, but I’d never heard someone call me creepy before. At least, not to my face.
“Yeah. Like, the things you say can be kind of weird sometimes, and you have that sort of monotone way of speaking, but… but it’s not a bad thing.” Giselle lifted her head, let go of the cross, and gave me the softest smile I’d ever been beholden to. “You’re you, and I wouldn’t have you any other way.”
“Even if I’m creepy?”
She gently slapped my chest as she tucked her knees beneath her backside so she could face me on the couch. “I said I used to think you were creepy, not that you’re creepy right now. Are you mad?”
I was a priest in love with a girl, a man who’d declared his loyalty to that same girl while forsaking his god. I was a psychopath who’d cut off two hands, boxed them up, and brought them to her, after putting a pretty bow on top. Objectively and subjectively, I could be considered creepy.
“Of course not,” I replied. “Nothing you say can hurt my feelings. I’m not that soft.”
Giselle giggled. “Do you even have feelings?” She said it in a teasing way, gently mocking me.
“Okay, now that crossed the line.”
The way she stared at me then made certain parts of my body heat up. “Are you—are you making a joke? Is Father Ezekiel making a joke? Wow. Never thought I’d see the day.”
“I don’t know if I’d call it a joke, but…” I let my eyes fall to her mouth, that luscious, soft mouth I caught myself thinking about more often than not. And that said nothing about the rest of that body of hers. “I should get back to the church. I shouldn’t be gone too long, in case Miguel or his wedding planner try to get in touch with me over some last-minute change.”
“This whole wedding is last-minute,” Giselle whined. “Are you sure you can’t stay?”
We both knew what would happen if I did stay. She’d either crawl on my lap or drag me to her bedroom, where we’d shed our clothes and lose ourselves in the other. As much as I wanted to feel her body against mine again, I also knew I could easily be here for hours, and now was not the best time.
“Believe me, I want nothing more than to stay, but seeing you even for five minutes is enough to keep me sated.”
She grinned. “See? You’re back to saying weird stuff. At least let me thank you for the gift before you go.” Before I had the chance to say a word in reply, she grabbed my face and leaned onto me, kissing me hard.
Oh. Oh, I’d forgotten how effortless it was to lose myself in Giselle and the feeling of her lips on mine. She truly was heaven bottled up in the body of a woman, everything a man on this earth could ever want.
“You make things difficult,” I spoke through the kiss, and all Giselle did was hum. Hum and swing herself over onto my lap, one leg on either side of me, straddling me. “Perhaps when Damian returns he can give you what you crave.”
Giselle brought her lips to my neck, kissing my throat just above my collar. “Are you really going to deny me, Ezekiel? Me. Have you forgotten I’m your god now?” Even though she was still showering my throat with kisses, I could feel her smirking as she said it.
She was enjoying this. Of course she was.