Page 71 of Heinous Crimes
I would be lying if I said my cock hadn’t stirred the moment her lips brushed against mine, and now with the neck-kissing, it was a rod in my pants, bulging, eager to be set free and once more feel her tight pussy wrapped around it.
God help me.
God save me.
Those words meant something different when my self-professed god was the one on top of me, tempting me to stay. But, even though I’d told her I would do anything for her, this was one time I had to say no.
I took her head in my hands and pulled her face away from my neck. We locked eyes. “Giselle, think. It would not be wise for me to stay here hours on end. Not now. We should not put your plan at risk. I will be at your every beck and call when the wedding is done and you have finally gotten what you want.” It was not easy for me to say all of this with a raging hard cock in my pants, but I managed.
She pouted, those beautiful lips of hers curling into an adorable frown. And then she sighed and pulled herself away from me, sliding off me to let me go. “Fine, fine. You’re right.”
Getting to my feet, I ran a hand down my chest and then went to fix my cock in my pants, adjusting it slightly so it wouldn’t be as obvious when I walked out. “You have Damian here with you all the time. I’m sure he would be glad to be of service to you.”
“He’s planning all the time, too—”
I glanced at the TV, which still played whatever show they’d been watching before I strolled in.
“Okay, well, yeah, maybe he takes some time off to spend some time with me, but that doesn’t mean he wants to… to—” Either she couldn’t say it, or as she was talking, she realized just how wrong she was.
I think everyone, including Shay and the others, knew Damian would jump at the chance to take Giselle to bed, and that was if he hadn’t already. I didn’t ask. Truthfully, it was none of my business. That said, I could see the way he watched her, and how she looked at him. The attraction was definitely there.
Giselle waved what she was trying to say off as she got to her feet with me. “Damian, uh, he likes to…” Again, it seemed she was having difficulties. “He likes to watch. And listen. We actually haven’t… done that yet.”
“Ah, I see. Well, I’m sure when the time comes, it will be worth the wait. Or, if you’re that much in need, I’m certain if you jump on him like you just jumped on me, he wouldn’t be able to say no to you.” The only reason I was saying no was because of that damned wedding, the locked church in the middle of the day, and Rocco’s hand-less self in the basement, waiting for my return.
I could not wait until things were settled, and I could be with Giselle without worrying about anything.
Giselle puckered her lips, pouting somewhat, but in the end, she huffed, “Fine. Go. You’re right. You probably shouldn’t stay here longer than you have to, just in case. See you at the wedding.”
Leaving that house meant leaving Giselle, and it was one of the most difficult things I’d ever done in my life. I never thought I’d have feelings like this—I used to believe emotions, especially that of love and desire, were simply not meant for me.
A man like me… I was more beast than man sometimes, and that was only made easier by a lack of emotion. Killing was like breathing when you had no guilt at all.
And then came Giselle. At first, she’d been an unwelcome surprise, a curious addition to this city. I’d known she was different all along, but I thought she and Miguel were both playing the same game. I didn’t know at the time Miguel was simply playing her, and there was no way I could’ve possibly known we shared a horrid past. There was nothing like shared misery to bring people together.
Giselle brought these feelings out of me, and if I had any say in the matter, she would continue to do so until the end, whenever that may be.
Chapter Eighteen – Zander
Everyone had their assignments. Cade had heard from Miguel; he wanted the Cobra to swoop in before the I do’s. Together, with the Cobra’s help, he wanted to kill everyone seated at the wedding—everyone who wasn’t one of his men. That included: Atticus, all of his sons, the Palmers, Piper—should she come—Luca, and Ezekiel.
Yes, even the Black Hand’s priest wasn’t safe from Miguel. Miguel wanted to clean house, top to bottom.
Because of the slaughter he wanted it to be, it would be a smaller wedding, guest-wise. That did not mean it would be held in some tiny wedding chapel. No. Miguel had gotten the building downtown rented out; the wedding would be in their private garden area and the reception would be in the same ballroom where I’d first met most of the Hand.
Course, there’d be no reception after the massacre, but Miguel couldn’t make it look too obvious.
Since he was now officially part of the Hand, Miguel was able to use the Hand’s resources to execute this wedding so fast.
The only person that was off-limits was Shay. Miguel had told Cade that he could take her away, once everything was said and done—but a man like Miguel did not leave any loose strings. He was only saying that to Cade in the hopes of pulling a fast one over him. After everyone was massacred and Shay was incapacitated, Miguel would have his men turn on the masked Cobra and shoot to kill, and then he’d kill Shay.
It’d be a Hand-wide massacre, a complete slaughter. All that senseless death, just so Miguel could frame the Cobra and walk away with all the resources and power the Hand shared amongst themselves. He wanted to be the top dog, and he’d stop at nothing to achieve it.
And then? Then who knew what Miguel would go for next. A man like him would never be content to sit back and bask in his achievements. No, he’d want more. Maybe he’d try to get into politics next.
It didn’t matter what Miguel would go for next, because he wouldn’t have the chance. His plan would, if all went well, be foiled. We’d have backup on the upper floors thanks to Cade, and everyone at the wedding would be packing. Damian would have some of his Serpents trade places with Miguel’s men. It would be the biggest what-the-fuck moment Miguel would ever have in his life, provided everything went off without a hitch.
Miguel thought Giselle was dead, so why would he expect a thing? Sure, his plan was fast-tracked because of Rocco’s disappearance, but this was always his plan. Clean off the board and end the game a victor.