Page 80 of London Has Fallen
“He so heard you,” Artemis teases.
I wink. “I know, that’s why I said it. I heard him take five steps before he stopped moving.” We both laugh, Artemis locks his fingers with mine and drags me from the room without a glance back at his piece of shit of a father.
“I swear to God I’m gonna fucking murder him!” I scream, my mom chuckles and places her hand on top of my thigh.
“Honey, you can’t kill your father.” Aunt Sin scoffs, Mom shoots her a scathing look. She slouches back onto the sofa opposite us.
“He took Artemis out before sunrise this morning and I haven’t heard from him all day. It's Christmas Eve and my boyfriend isn’t here to put the marshmallows in my hot coco!” I whine.
“Want me to do it for you?” Mom offers. I pout and cross my arms over my chest as I drop back into the sofa.
“No. You don’t pick out the pink ones and make them into the shape of a heart like he does.” I can see my mom trying hard not to laugh, but she loses the battle when Aunt Sin laughs. “I can’t wait to go to Grandpa’s tomorrow. I’m telling him you’ve been mean to me and that Dad killed my boyfriend.”
“Did not!”
“Did—” I jump to my feet and spin around to see my dad and Artemis standing in the entryway with my Cronos and Uncle Kacey behind. Now that I can see he is alive and not dead my anger spikes. “Where the fuck have you been? Don’t you have a phone because you know it has a green button that you push when you need to call someone!” Dad laughs and pats Artemis on the shoulder.
“Goodluck with that one.” I shoot my dad a filthy look. In the past few weeks him and Artemis have formed this frenemies type of friendship and I don’t like it. They gang up on me, leaving me no choice but to tattle on my dad to Grandpa or fuck with his shit like slashing his tires.
“Don’t you fucking Omorfia me!” I shout. Cronos steps around his brother followed by Uncle Kacey.
“If you're pissed now, wait till you see what he did without your consent, bestie.” Artemis shoots his twin a look that promises he will pay for that comment later.
“Thanks, asshole,” Artemis grits out.
“Anytime, Brother,” Cronos claps back.
“Did you see your blonde whore?” Artemis balks at me.
“What? No, I was with your dad!” he quickly answers.
“What fucking blonde?” Dad snaps.
“His stupid guy named best friend who is a bimbo,” I answer.
“Blake hasn’t made contact since you fucking stabbed her!” Artemis shouts.
I shrug. “Shouldn’t have been a whore, then I wouldn’t have stabbed her, so not my fault.”
“Jesus Christ, I wasn’t with Blake. I was with your dad getting inked.” Suddenly I don’t feel so angry and kind of feel like I maybe should have approached this situation a wee bit differently.
“Yeah, oh,” he mocks me, earning the stink eye. He reaches up and grips the back of his shirt and yanks it off. My eyes widen at the same time my jaw drops open. His whole chest is fucking tatted! My feet carry me across the room to stand before him. I stare at the statues that cover his chest and then it dawns on me.
“Cronos, Apollo, Ares and Adonis.” He smiles and nods.
“You got the statues of the Greek gods to represent your brothers?”
“Sure did.” A pang of jealousy hits me and I do my best to conceal it but I’m still working on that shit. He turns around to show me his back which is outlined already. “We ran out of time to finish it but it’s going to be epic.” I don’t really take in the design because I’m still salty over the fact I’m not on his chest.
“Yeap, it’s pretty, well done and all that shit,” I say. He turns around and the smile on his face pisses me off.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I’m tired, night.” I try to flee but he grabs my wrist and yanks me back. I refuse to look at him.