Page 81 of London Has Fallen
“Don’t you want to see my favorite one?”
I scoff. “No.”
“You sure, because I think she is pretty fucking beautiful.”
I snap my head toward him so fast I swear I heard my neck crack. “Her?”
He nods. “Yeah, she is fucking amazing.”
“Oh well please, do show me the ugly bitch you got tattooed. It better be in a place where I don't have to see her hideous face.” I ignore the laughter coming from the guys behind me as I keep my bored look in place. Artemis holds out his right forearm and I nearly die on the spot.
“Still think she’s hideous and ugly?” I swallow loudly and shake my head.
“That’s my face!” I screech, he got a portrait of my face on his arm with the London bridge in the background.
“Why is the London Bridge broken?” He grips my chin and tilts my head until I meet his gaze.
“Because London has fallen and I’m lucky enough to say she has fallen for me.” My fucking heart jumps in my chest.
“Why did you get my face tattooed on you?”
“It’s a picture tatted on my inner forearm to remind me you’re not far, literally at arm’s reach, it's a new meaning to wearing my heart on my sleeve.”
“I love you.” He beams down at me.
“I love you too.”
“Now is this the part where we sneak out so I can show you just how much I love your tattoo?”
“I’m gonna kill him, he’s going to fucking die tonight.” Dad seethes behind us. I can’t help the laughter that burst out of me, I fucking love pissing my dad off.
Six months later…
Sitting here at the table with the leaders of the other families feels surreal, I never thought I would be able to claim a seat here. I had dreamt about it but now to actually be here is fucking everything I wished it would be.
“I vouch for Artemis Argyros to be the new leader of the Godfathers Of The Night, all in favor?” I nod my thanks to Royal, he has helped me more than I ever thought he would with rebuilding my society and making changes for the better of my people. The trials are no longer a thing and we don’t deal with any of the skin trade anymore. That caused problems with the other head families but fuck them, I will not have anything to do with that shit.
“Aye,” Bishop is the first to answer.
“Agreed,” Knox says.
“You have my vote.” I nod my thanks to Andreas.
“You cost me a shit load of money but I can’t argue against the changes you’ve made, your casinos are cleaning a shit load of cash for me so, yeah.” I expected Karl to fight this but I’m pleasantly surprised at his agreement. Given what is brewing between him and Knox I’m surprised that they haven’t taken each other out.
“Karl’s right, you’ve done good, kid, so you get a yes from me.” I smile my thanks to Ian.
“Then, I present to you all the new leader of the Greeks and the head of his family.” I reach out and offer Royal my hand. He rolls his eyes but shakes my hand.
“Thank you, for everything you have done to help me.” The rest of the members call out their goodbyes and congratulations as they leave. I shake each of their hands as they pass by but Knox stops.
“Don’t you have four brothers?” he asks.
“I do but three of them are in college back in the US and one of them is traveling the world offering aid to sick children with Amelia.”
“So who is your right hand?”