Page 61 of Plan Interrupted
“I don’t know. I’m so confused, and I just want it all to go away. I can’t stand being around Patrick, but he goes where Mr. James goes, so I don’t really have a choice in the matter, especially if I want to keep my job. And this morning, Mr. James told me he wanted to transfer me back to the New York office.”
The last word was hardly out of her mouth before heaving sobs ripped through her.
“Back to the New York office,” Joe whispered. He reached toward her and pulled her onto his lap, embraced her tightly, and rocked back and forth. “Shh, it’s going to be okay, sweetheart,” he repeated over and over until her tears dried.
After what seemed like an eternity, she slid off his lap, and back over to the passenger seat of the truck. She glanced at the clock on the dash. “I need to get back to work. Mr. James wants to meet with me this afternoon to finish talking about my career path and transfer.”
“Tell me you’re not actually considering this transfer.”
“I really don’t want to go back to New York, not now, and I’ve been racking my brain all day to come up with reasons not to, reasons that Mr. James would accept.”
Joe stared directly into her eyes. “How about just plain and simply telling him no?” His tone was sharp.
“Joe, please. Just bring me back to work.”
“I can’t. I just can’t bring you back to where Patrick is. I’m sorry.”
“I can’t not go back to work today. Please, just bring me back. I’ll be okay. Nothing is going to happen; there are too many people in the office.”
Against his better judgment, Joe caved to Elizabeth’s pleading and drove her back to the office. He parked his truck in the parking garage and then he just sat there with his hands gripped around the steering wheel until his fingers went numb. His chest swelled around his heart, squeezing the life out of it. He’d never been so angry in his life. It was a good thing for Patrick he wasn’t near him right now.
The hurt in his heart pushed the anger aside. He couldn’t believe Elizabeth hid the truth from him concerning Patrick being in her home last night.
He debated what he should do as he watched her walk back into the office building.
After a minute or two, he pried his hands from the steering wheel. His stiff fingers nearly prevented him from dialing his brother’s number on his cell phone.
Nick answered, and he explained the situation at hand.
Roughly thirty minutes later, his brother pulled into the stall next to him, exited his truck, and stepped up to his window. He was dressed in overalls and carrying a toolbox.
“I appreciate you coming. I just can’t let her alone in there.”
“Not a problem,” his brother replied as he turned and headed toward the entrance of the office building.
Joe tilted his head back against the headrest in his truck and closed his eyes. He took in slow, deep breaths and attempted to will his anger and hurt away. After a few minutes, his chest began to loosen its firm grip on his heart, but he still found himself consumed with worry for Elizabeth, even though Nick was in close proximity to her, and keeping an eye on the situation.
* * * *
Darcy picked up her phone receiver and dialed Elizabeth’s extension, “Ms. Shaw, a man from building maintenance is here to replace your thermostat.”
“Really, I wasn’t expecting anyone. Well, just send him back.”
Much to her surprise, seconds later, Nick appeared in front of her desk dressed in navy blue overalls, and holding a grungy old toolbox.
“What are you doing here?”
He flashed a smile resembling Joe’s. “I’m here to fix your thermostat.”
“I don’t think my thermostat is broken,” she replied as relief floated through her, “but it is over there if you would like to take a look.”
She continued to work as Nick busied himself. Though she had told Joe over and over she would be fine in the office, she wasn’t. She’d been a nervous wreck and thankful for his brother’s arrival.
Mr. James and Patrick entered her office. “Elizabeth, perhaps we should meet in the conference room,” Mr. James suggested, as he looked in the direction of the maintenance guy.
“Sounds good.”