Page 62 of Plan Interrupted
She rose from her chair and followed them, making eye contact with Nick as she walked past him. She mouthed, that’s Patrick.
He nodded in acknowledgment; his eyes hardened.
She followed the men to the conference room and took a seat at the long, narrow table.
They sat as well.
Mr. James fixed his gaze on her, and wasted no time beginning the conversation. “It sounds like things are going well for you here.”
“Yes. I enjoy working here, and Mr. Kent is a great mentor. I couldn’t be more pleased.”
He nodded. “Since you’ve caught on so quickly, I was thinking that we could accelerate your career plan and move you back to the New York office.”
Her heart leaped into her throat. The last thing she wanted now was to return to the New York office so quickly. She needed time... time to figure out how to deal with what happened to her, and being near Patrick certainly wasn’t going to help. Her mind reeled for an excuse to stay.
“I’m not ready, I have so much more to learn before...”
“Nonsense, you’ll be fine. New York is the place for you.”
“But what about the municipal market, I...”
“I’m sure Kent can handle that on his own,” the unyielding old man interjected.
“But Mr. James, I just bought a house. I have friends here. I like it here,” her voice squeaked. She had intended to keep her arguments for staying in Chicago, professional, but in her desperation, her arguments turned personal.
“I remember when you liked it in New York,” he firmly snapped back. “And as for your house, I’ll buy it and put it back on the market. This is not negotiable. You will be back in New York. Do you understand?”
All she could do was stare at him. His level of audacity had rendered her speechless.
Brief silence followed before he softened his voice. “Your dad and I have been friends for a long time. You’re like a daughter to me, the daughter I never had, the child I never had. I’m only trying to do what’s best for you, and seeing as your parents are off traveling the world all of the time, I feel responsible to them, to you, to take care of you. Consider us your family. It’s important to be with family, and I take care of my family.”
Mr. James paused and shifted his gaze from her to his nephew, who was sitting opposite her at the conference table.
Within seconds his gaze returned to her. “You know, Elizabeth, things happen in life that we don’t always plan, and sometimes these things alter the course we had planned for ourselves, but that’s not always a bad thing. In fact, in many instances, it can turn out well. Coming back to New York can be a good thing. I can take care of you there. I mean, Patrick can take care of you there. You can have whatever you want, money is no object. One day this can all be yours to be passed down as you wish.”
She sucked in a breath and shifted in her chair as she glanced between the two men. What in the world has Patrick told him?
She needed clarification. “What exactly do you mean by Patrick can take care of me?”
“Well, I know you and my nephew have developed a relationship, and I’d hate for the distance to stand in the way. And you know a union of this nature could be good for both of you, both families, and the future of the company.”
The shock of his words nearly knocked her off her chair. Was he really sitting before her asking her to marry the man who’d raped her? She looked at Patrick who sat silently staring at the floor. He never seemed to speak or display too much emotion when in the presence of his uncle.
She tightly gripped the side of the conference table, and took the seconds needed to force the bile saturating her tongue, back down her throat. “Patrick...Patrick, look at me. Don’t you have anything to say about this? Anything at all?” she asked as she grew angrier for simply having to say his name and talk to him.
He glanced at her and then toward his uncle who flashed him the ‘don’t you dare say a word’ look.
Patrick glanced back at her. “Elizabeth, though things aren’t always as they seem, a union of this sort could be good for everyone. Even for those who do not yet have a voice to speak for themselves.” His voice was soft and unsteady.
She swung her glare to Mr. James. His eyes seeped with rage, and his jaw knotted.
“That’s enough. You’re dismissed,” Mr. James snapped at his nephew as he pointed to the door.
Patrick glanced at her as he rose from his chair and exited the room. The look in his eyes confused her, it seemed soft and sympathetic, and his words...what was he trying to tell her? She repeated his words in her head, “Those who do not yet have a voice to speak for themselves.”
It hit her like a ton of bricks.
Holy crap, they think I’m pregnant with his baby.