Page 2 of Incognizant Desires
My mind was running a million miles per hour as I stood in front of the coffin, clenching my hands into fists. My grief giving way to anger at the injustice of it all.
How could life be so unfair? My father didn’t deserve this.
I stood in resolute silence, staring unseeing at the flowers adorning the lid as the throng of people filed passed me on their way out. Their small gestures of comfort and whispered condolences going unheard to my ears.
I'm not sure how long I stood there, but when I finally broke through the haze, I bent and kissed the cross upon the lid, placing my hand one last time longingly on my father's final resting place, and turned to leave.
"We'll find out who did this Catalina. If it's the last thing I do, it will be to bring the people responsible to justice."
I just nodded in silence at Uncle Darius, who looked just as mad as I felt. There was a look in his eye that I'd never seen before, and I knew he meant business.
"If there is anything I can do for you Catalina. Let me know." He held out his hands and I threw my arms around his waist, hugging him close. Throughout my whole life, Uncle Darius had always been there for me. I grew up with him always by my father's side and he was always gifting me with surprises as a young girl. I was glad for his support now and knowing he was still by my side, the only remaining immediate family member left.
"If you need some time, I can run your father's businesses if you like. I know them well, and it’s of no bother. No one will think anything of it."
I released myself from his grasp, dabbing at my eyes again. Luckily my makeup had not left any smudges on my uncle's designer suit. Not that he would have cared.
I shook my head. "No. It's okay. Papá wanted me to take over. I want to do that. Make him proud."
He nodded, "Did he leave you any instructions? Tell you anything in particular?"
"Not really. He left me a strange letter, but it didn't say much. I'll figure things out."
"I'm sure you will. Have it your way." He smiled, "When did you stop being my playful Kitty Cat, and turn into a grown up?"
I smiled wanly, "Cat or not, I'll always need your help, Tío. You'll be there right? To help me run things? You're the only one I can trust. The family, what's left of us, needs to stick together."
"You don't even have to ask. I'm here for you always." He nodded up the aisle at the group of men patiently waiting, " I think that's our cue to leave. Ready?"
"I just need a moment."
"Okay, I'll see you at the burial." He gave my shoulder a final squeeze and walked up the aisle to join the others who were patiently waiting to carry what was left of my father through the cemetery to his final resting place. I turned back to the sleek coffin, placing a hand on it one more time.
"I love you papa. I'll see you in heaven. I'm going to make you proud."
With that, I picked up my black handbag from the seat beside me and slowly made my way up the aisle. I nodded at the group of men who were my father's closest friends.
"Thank you for waiting."
They nodded, murmuring their condolences as I stepped out into the adjoining vestibule to wait and follow the procession outside. From here I could see the external yard was already packed with throngs of people. My father's death had sent a shock wave through the city. He was a beloved politician and multi-millionaire who the people appreciated. He was a man of his word, and truly helped where he could, even if it meant dipping into his own pocket.
So why would anyone want to kill him?
Through the glass window I could see it was getting late, the setting sun casting long shadows through the swaying trees. The throng of people outside had begun to light their candles and the glow of their light danced across the thousands of brightly colored flowers they held aloft. In true Spanish tradition, it was time to celebrate his life as he was buried.
Taking a deep breath to steal myself before I joined the crowd, I turned, jumping slightly as I caught sight of a man in the shadows behind me. His face was half obscured by the dark, and the large hood he wore.
"H-hello. I'm sorry. I didn't see you there."
The man just stood there. Not saying a word. Watching me.
"I'm Catalina. Wh-Who are you?"
No response. My eyes darted around the room. I was acutely aware that we were alone.
"Are you a friend of my father's?"
He remained silent, unmoving. I started to feel my skin cover in goose bumps and my heart start to race. Something wasn't quite right here. I swallowed the rising lump in my throat, as he slowly shook his head in answer to my question.