Page 3 of Incognizant Desires
I took an involuntary step back towards the doorway, my heart now racing as he moved towards me. I screamed, turning just in time to see the funeral home doors open and the coffin bearers emerge.
"Are you alright, Catalina?" Hugo, one of my father's men looked at me with concern.
Relief flowed through me at the sight of familiar faces, and I quickly looked over my shoulder in search of the stranger, but could see no one there.
"Y-yes, I'm fine. Thank you, Hugo. Shall we?" I indicated to the front door and the men proceeded to exit. I took one quick look behind me, frowning.
Where did he go?
Not wanting to find out, I quickly followed the others and lost myself in the crowd of people as they proceeded after the coffin, singing and swaying. As I moved through the throng of people, joining in the singing, I smiled at the adults and children who had come to celebrate my father. He was truly loved by many, and it warmed my heart to see it. It wasn't until we were nearly at the Rivera mausoleum that I caught sight of the hooded man off to one side. Standing still. Watching me as the crowd moved around him.
What a creep!
"It's okay, Catalina. It's okay." I whispered to myself. Feeling relatively safe amongst the other people, I stopped to get a better look. This time I could partially see his facial features in the flickering candlelight. His tanned skin, square jawline and piercing bright eyes seemed to see right through me. If I wasn't so spooked by him, I would have thought him an extremely attractive man.
I took a steadying breath, "Just keep walking, Catalina."
Slowly, I continued to walk amongst the people, watching him out of the corner of my eye. He followed at a distance, never once taking his eyes off me, until without warning he started striding in my direction, pushing his way through the many celebrating people between us.
The involuntary gasp that left my throat was swallowed up in the noise of the crowd, and my feet finally jumped into action, stumbling backwards. I looked in horror at the hooded man that was now only a few yards away and reaching out his arm to me. Screaming, I turned to get away, breaking through the people and staggering down a path between two rows of headstones. The cold granite loomed up around me on both sides, blocking out what little light the half-moon shed, making it hard to see. As I ran, I tried to look over my shoulder but could see only shadows.
I screamed again as arms came out of nowhere and encircled my body. Hands stifling the screams from my mouth.
The last thing I remember was falling, pain shooting through my head, and seeing bright stars shoot across my eyes, before everything went black….