Page 218 of Let's Play
“Most of the players are pretty laid back, but there’s a few that walk around here with their head in the clouds. You know, they think they’re better than everyone else. I won’t call any names, but you’ll see for yourself who I’m talking about. And you’ll learn to avoid them as much as possible.”
“I hate to hear that,” Camryn said, thinking back to a short while ago—the guy in that truck had sure been a douche. It wouldn’t surprise her if he were one of the ones Marcus was referring to.
“I’m not trying to scare you or anything, but you need to be prepared. Arrogance and cockiness aren’t good for organizations. Being a star player is one thing, but no one cares to have it smeared in their face.”
“I was told that everyone would feel like family once I warmed up to them,” Camryn offered Marcus a reassuring smile. The same had been true when she was in nursing school. It hadn’t taken long at all for her to mesh with certain students.
“And they will. You’ll get to meet their families and there’s always something going on within the clubhouse. The owners will want to include you, too.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” she said. “How much time do we have before the game starts?”
“Not long. In fact, we need to be heading over to the locker room now to see if anyone needs anything wrapped or tended to before they take the field for warmups.”
“Thanks for showing me around. This is still so surreal and so much to take in,” Camryn admitted. “If I screw up anything, don’t come down on me too hard, okay.”
“Relax,” Marcus told her. “You’re going to be just fine.”
A couple of the guys looked up when Camryn walked in behind Marcus. As she followed him all the way to the back, a few of them acknowledged her by nodding or half-waving, whereas others went about their business getting ready without paying her any attention. She quickly noted how much bigger the guys were in real life versus the way they looked on TV. They were giants compared to her petite frame.
Marcus handed her a box of supplies and pointed to one of the players in the far left corner. “Jackson is going to need some tape on his foot. He’s got a blister on one of his heels,” Marcus said, addressing the player by his last name. “And when you’re done with him, Rodgers is going to need some attention. He got cleated a few nights ago by a runner sliding into second. Gotta make sure it doesn’t get infected. Beware, though, he’s a big baby.”
“Gotcha,” Camryn said and walked towards the first player he’d said needed her assistance.
The young man looked up when she was a couple steps away. “Hello,” he said and looked down at the box she had clenched in her hands. “Can I help you?”
“Hi, I’m Camryn Holt, the newest medical intern for the team. I hear you’ve got some issues with a blister that needs to be tended to before the game.”
“Neeko Jackson,” the dark-skinned player said as he introduced himself with broken English. “And it’s a pleasure to meet you, ma’am.”
“Well, let’s get you taken care of,” she said and straddled the bench that was across from where Neeko was sitting.
Neeko placed his foot on the edge of the leather cushion while Camryn put on a pair of plastic gloves. “Probably a small bandage today,” he said and turned his foot to the side for her to have a better view.
“I think you’re right. Give me just a minute and I’ll have it covered for you.” Camryn rummaged through the assorted bandages and pulled out one that was specifically for blisters. “When you get your shoes on, let me know how it feels.”
“Hey, bro. What’s up?”
Camryn looked up in time to see one of the other players walk by where she and Neeko were sitting. The moment their gazes connected, she felt the coloring immediately drain from her face. The voice—the same one she’d heard earlier complaining because she was in his way—caused a chill to course through her veins.
“Alec,” Neeko called out and raised his arm for a fist bump. “Nothin’ much, man.”
“We celebrating later tonight?” Alec asked, his voice oozing with arrogance in her presence. His eyes, though, remained on Camryn’s, and a shit-eating grin spread across his face.
“Can’t tonight. Have to pick up my kid after the game so I can spend some time with him before we leave out.”
Camryn felt her stomach knot and she resisted the urge to stand up and run from the room. This Alec guy was intimidating, daunting, and so damn full of himself.
“Come on, drinks are on me,” Alec continued to entice Neeko to join him.
“I promised him I’d pick him up. Can’t disappoint Joc. One day, you’ll realize how hard it is to be away from them.”
“Oh, no. Not me,” he said and laughed sarcastically. “No kids in my future, bro. I know better.”
Chapter Three
“How’s it going over here?” Marcus walked over to check on Camryn.
“Fine. I’m just finishing up with Neeko,” she replied nervously and tossed everything back into the box. “Who did you say needed help next?” She couldn’t wait to get away from Neeko and Alec’s conversation. Talk about making someone feel uncomfortable…