Page 219 of Let's Play
“Me,” Alec interrupted. “I need help covering my cut.”
“Cut?” Camryn questioned and raised her brow.
Alec stretched his arms above his head, revealing a muscular torso that she couldn’t take her eyes away from.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” he said arrogantly.
“Cut it out, Rodgers. Why you always gotta act that way?” Neeko stated. “Cut her some slack, she’s new.”
“Act what way?” Alec said assuredly. “Apparently she liked what she saw. I only pointed out if she took a picture—”
“Enough,” Marcus chimed in. “I’m beginning to think nothing nice ever comes out of that mouth of yours.”
Camryn didn’t like the tension that suddenly filled the room. Instead of letting him intimidate her more, she spoke up. “It’s okay, Marcus. Some people can’t help they’re a dick.”
Neeko jumped up from the bench and slapped his palms together. “Ohhh, she got you, Alec.”
“No, Neeko. You’re wrong,” Alec pointed out. “No one has me. No one.”
While Alec Rodgers tried to sound big and bad, Camryn couldn’t help but to notice the hint of sadness in his tone. Who’d want to be with someone like him? Definitely not her.
They all looked up when one of the team’s coaches stuck his head inside the door and began to call out names. “Time to get in a few swings.”
Alec Rodgers looked at Camryn. “Well, are you going to take care of my cut or not? I’ve got to get to batting practice. Nothing like you making me late again.”
“Maybe. Maybe not.” Purposely ignoring the fact that he wanted to blame her again, Camryn picked up the box of medical supplies. “Where would you like to go?”
She didn’t like that she’d gotten off to a rocky start with one of the players. She wondered if it was even worth it to try and start over or if she should just let it go. Apparently, Alec Rodgers was a difficult person to deal with and she, unfortunately, was experiencing it firsthand.
“This way,” he muttered and lifted his t-shirt over his head while he made his way to another area of the locker room.
Camryn followed closely behind. She couldn’t help but notice the way he moved and the little swagger in his hips. Whether he was doing it intentionally or not for her viewing pleasure, Alec Rodgers knew how to wear baseball pants, and he knew how to wear them well!
With his foot propped on the side of the bench, he leaned over for her to examine the one-inch laceration he’d gotten just above his waistline a few nights ago. Known for his ability to steal bases, the third-base coach hadn’t thought twice about sending him when a wild pitch was missed at home plate. And though he’d made the steal with ease, he’d caught the bottom of the third-baseman’s cleat, causing a small gash in his skin. It’d hurt like a son-of-a-bitch, but they’d gotten it cleaned up and glued shut for him when the game was over.
Not that it required much attention anymore, but he still needed to have antibiotic cream applied to it and covered just in case something happened during the game.
“That’s a colorful bruise you got there,” Camryn said, noting the discoloration of his skin around the now-closed cut. She hated that she was wearing gloves while she touched him, but it was for his protection as much as it was for hers. Thinking of how his skin would feel against her fingertips sent a tingling sensation through her body. Despite his demeaner, Alec Rodgers was a very attractive man.
“Yeah, you should’ve seen it the day after it happened. It’s nowhere near as sore now, but for the first couple days it was tender as hell.”
“I bet. Alright, let me grab something to seal the area and you’ll be good to go,” she said as she put the cap back on the tube of ointment. “I’ll take a look at it again after the game if you’d like.”
“Look, I know we got off—”
Camryn put her hand up to stop him. “Don’t bother, okay? I’m here to do a job. If there’s something you need, I’ll do my best to take care of it. Otherwise, if it doesn’t pertain to an injury, kindly keep it to yourself.”
Alec’s mouth dropped open. He was the one used to saying stuff like that, not the other way around. Whatever had come over her, he definitely liked it. Maybe she wasn’t the pushover like he’d originally thought.
Chapter Four
The Sharks pulled off a 3-2 win with Alec scoring the game winning run in the bottom of the ninth. Though Camryn knew she would’ve enjoyed the game more from the stands, watching it from the medical room hadn’t been so bad.
When Alec had scored, the crowd went wild. She and Marcus, as well as the others on the medical staff, had done their own little celebrating. Reporters immediately began to swarm him, and Camryn could tell how much he was enjoying the attention. From the grin on his face to the remarks he made while they interviewed him, Alec Rodgers knew he was one of the best in the league.
And, he had the stats to back it.
Camryn couldn’t get over, though, how his fans ate it up, his overconfident demeaner not affecting them in the least. If anything, they liked him more.