Page 12 of Keeping Eveline
“Good to know. I’m glad everyone is well and happy.”
Growler studied him, and Ox held his gaze. He was a master at hiding everything that was going on inside of him. None of his guys knew the dreams that pulled him from bed early in the morning. Nor the pain from the scars that he experienced. Ox planned to keep it that way.
“You got something to say?” he asked when a few tense seconds passed between them.
Growler sighed and sat down opposite him. “I respect you as my boss, and I consider you a good friend. You need anything, you know all you have to do is ask.”
Ox understood the hidden message the man was relaying. They all had their own demons. Some were easier to conquer, and others were tougher. “I know. I’m good.”
Some days he was, some days he wasn’t, but he didn’t want his team to think that he couldn’t lead them through any of the missions they were likely to be going on in the future.
“Right.” The irony in Growler’s voice wasn’t hard to miss, but Ox suspected his friend knew not to push.
If Ox needed a sounding board, he would seek out Growler.
“You going to be here much longer?” his friend asked, the change of conversation appreciated.
“I’m waiting to meet with Eveline from Triple Z to go over what we found.” That is if she turned up. She hadn’t responded to his call.
“You want me to hang around? I’ve got nothing better to do tonight.”
Ox appreciated Growler’s offer, but he planned on meeting Eveline alone. “No, I can handle it.”
“Okay.” Growler nodded. “I know I don’t need to say it but tread carefully. As I said, I’ve heard the talk that Gerald has got a hard-on about discrediting us. That he didn’t believe Alliez would last a year. You’ve proved him wrong, and he doesn’t like it. Nor does he like that we’re getting contracts that he used to get.”
“I know. I’m not going to give anything away when I meet with Eveline. As for business”—Ox shrugged—“we’ll need to look at bringing on more people in the next few months, considering I believe Julian has got a few more trips planned. I’m also going to hit the VA and see if there are few guys that are looking for security work. I’ll also keep an ear open if anyone is looking at leaving like you did and want to still keep their hand in.”
The thought of expanding Alliez further excited Ox. Storm and Ash didn’t have any issues with him doing it. After all, they received a kickback from whatever business Ox brought in—for the moment. Ox had plans. Alliez Security LA was beginning to become its own entity, and he hoped they would soon be able to breakaway from the firm in New York that Storm and Ash had formed.
“I think that’s a good idea. You know I’ll do whatever I can to help and I’m still in touch with a few guys on the base in San Diego, as well as Fort’s team, so if I hear anything I’ll let you know,” Growler said.
“Sounds good.” According to his watch, it was ten minutes past seven—Eveline was late. That didn’t surprise him. He’d give her another twenty minutes, and then he’d leave.
“I’ll leave you to it, but I’ll grab something to eat from one of the places nearby. Text if you need me.”
Once a member of a team, always a member of a team.
“Appreciate it.”
Growler headed out, and soon the distant sound of the elevator arriving signaled that Ox was alone.
Would he hear that ding of the elevator again, or would it remain quiet for the rest of the night?
It hadn’t been in Eveline’s plan to be late to her meeting with Ox, but Gerald had insisted she attend an event with him—something he hadn’t ever asked of her. An event that he was providing security for.
Why had he needed her there?
Did he think because it was a fashion show she’d be interested in attending?
If that was the case, why had he been so demanding about it all? He could’ve simply asked her if she’d like to go.
No, there had definitely been an ulterior motive for Gerald asking him. The whole time Eveline had been there, he’d stayed by her side. Asking her questions about what she did most evenings. Did she go to the gym? Did she meet up with friends? Was she close to her family?
Any other time, she might’ve thought he was asking to be friendly, but it was the calculated look in his gaze that she didn’t think he was trying to be her friend. He was her boss, and Eveline had never socialized with her bosses in the past, unless of course it was a work function.
Now here she was rushing down the street toward Ox’s office almost twenty minutes after the time he asked—well commanded—her to be there.
Eveline rounded the corner and ran smack into someone.