Page 13 of Keeping Eveline
“Oh, I’m so sorry.” She lifted her head to smile at whoever she’d run into but suddenly found herself slammed into a wall, with her arm bent behind her.
The force of the hit knocked the wind out of her, and white-hot pain radiated through her cheek and head.
“Watch where you’re going, bitch,” a voice snarled behind her.
She tried to turn her head to look at whoever she’d run into, but he twisted her arm even more and her shoulder screamed in pain at the same time as a cry of fear escaped her.
This wasn’t a normal run-in. This was more. Something sinister.
“Wh-what do you want?” Eveline stammered, praying he wasn’t going to drag her to a car, ensuring she’d never see anyone again.
“Consider this a warning.” The man slammed her head against the wall again and released his hold on her.
Black dots danced across her vision. The whole upper part of her body hurt. Blood tingled through her arm now that it wasn’t being held at such a tight angle. Her knees buckled, and she collapsed to the pavement, fighting off the threatening darkness.
Eveline closed her eyes, panting to get air in and out. After a few moments, her breaths calmed, and the spots behind her eyes had disappeared. Her heart rate speed had tempered to an almost normal rhythm. The adrenaline that had been pumping through her system faded away.
What the hell just happened?
Slowly, Eveline got to her feet swaying a little. How long had she been sitting on the dirty ground?
Had anyone walked past her and just ignored her, thinking she was homeless or just another drunk girl passed out on the pavement?
She should call the police. She’d been attacked after all, but she was close to Kyle’s office. He would help, wouldn’t he?
Glancing at her watch she saw that it was close to seven-thirty. Would he still be there or would he have decided she’d blown him off and had left?
Brushing off the dirt from her shirt and skirt, Eveline picked her bag up. Why hadn’t whoever attacked her taken it?
None of what she’d gone through made any sense.
The walk to Kyle’s office didn’t take her long, but her shoulder protested every step she made and her head pounded like someone was knocking on it continuously.
The building doors glided open, surprising her; shouldn’t they already be locked down for the night? The security desk was empty. Did they not have a night guard?
It gave her renewed hope that Kyle might still be in the building. Although he wasn’t the only tenant, maybe there was an event taking place on another floor.
What did it matter? Eveline needed to get to Kyle’s floor and not collapse on the way. She was lightheaded and nauseous.
The elevator arrived, and she pressed the button for his floor, leaning against the side panel, hoping that by the time she reached Kyle’s floor, she’d be feeling somewhat normal again. What a great impression that would be if she threw up on his shoes.
The ding that heralded her arrival to the floor sounded ten times as loud as it normally would. The thumping in her head had intensified the short journey, and her bones appeared to now be made of gelatin.
A black haze started at the corners of her vision, slowly creeping across her vision until it was almost consumed by it.
The doors had whispered open, and she took a step, but her legs couldn’t keep her upright. Everything in her line of vision was coated in gray. There was nothing more she could do but succumb to it.
Like before, Eveline’s knees buckled, and she felt herself falling.
Chapter Six
“What the fuck!” Ox quickly caught Eveline before she crashed to the ground, and the elevator doors slammed shut on her.
He lifted her easily against his chest and strode back toward Alliez’s offices. He’d been on his way down to check with Walt, the night guard, to see if Eveline had arrived.
Why hadn’t the man called him to let him know she was on her way up?
Not the time. Focus on Eveline.