Page 21 of Keeping Eveline
“Night shifts are tough I imagine.”
The pretty nurse shrugged. “They are, but you get used to them. It helps that when I get home, I’ll have a nice meal on the table, and while I’m eating, my wonderful hubby will draw a bath for me to relax in.”
Regina’s voice went dreamy, and Eveline experienced a shaft of jealousy—wishing she had someone waiting for her.
“Although I’m sure you know all about that. Your fiancé didn’t move from your bedside, from the moment he was allowed to be in your room.” She looked around as if she expected Kyle to walk out of the bathroom or into the room. “Where is he? Going to get the car, so that the moment you walk out he’ll escort you into it, buckle you up securely, then whisk you away where he can pamper you until you recover?”
Regina was a hopeless romantic.
Those words belonged in a romance novel, and Eveline would know as she’d read her fair share of romances.
However…fiancé? Why would she call Kyle her fiancé? He was far from it. It’d be easy to burst her bubble and tell Regina that Kyle didn’t like her, not to mention blow up his ruse that they were engaged.
Why had he told them that?
“Umm no. Kyle left a little while ago. I don’t think he’ll be back. He’s a…” How did she describe Kyle—her one-night stand? Mortal work enemy? A sometime asshole?
All those things suited, but she didn’t have the brain space to explain her relationship or lack of one with Kyle to Regina.
“Look, I’m not sure why he said he was my fiancé, but he isn’t. He’s just someone who helped me.” Telling the truth hadn’t been the plan, but there it was. Eveline had said it and if there were consequences for Kyle’s lie, then he would have to deal with it.
Regina’s brow furrowed, and Eveline braced herself, waiting for more questions. Or at least a lecture about how someone shouldn’t lie to get another person’s health status. “Oh, well, umm. Right.” Clearly she wanted to say more but refrained. Instead, the nurse pointed to the papers on the roller table. “If you just sign these, you can leave.”
Eveline blew out a breath, relieved that Regina was letting the subject go. Maybe it was the fact she’d told her that Kyle had left she wasn’t going to take it any further.
“Great, and thanks for everything you did for me. I appreciate it.” She signed where she had to and tried to hide her wince when she stepped back.
“You’re welcome, and make sure when you get home you have a good soak. That will help with your muscle aches.”
“I’ll make sure she takes it easy and looks after herself.”
Eveline recognized the deep voice instantly, and it had her skin tingling.
Somehow, in the last few seconds, Kyle had soundlessly slipped into the room.
Shock at his presence kept any complaints she might have of him turning up locked in her throat.
“Just someone who helped you, my ass. No one fakes being attached to someone just to help them,” Regina murmured and turned to Kyle. “Good to see you again. Eveline told me you’d gone. I told her I was surprised her fiancé would leave.”
Eveline’s eyes narrowed at the nurse’s comment.
How could she throw her under the bus like that?
“Nope, still here. I never left,” he said casually as if he hadn’t dropped a bomb on her world.
He never left! Even after I told him to get out, and he went willingly without argument?
The man was a contradiction, and if Eveline wasn’t recovering from a hit to the head, she’d argue with him that she didn’t need him to babysit her.
Not to mention ask him about their relationship status—a status she didn’t know anything about. Only the effort it had taken her to get into her clothes had exhausted her, and all she wanted to do was go home and sleep.
He hadn’t even reacted to Regina’s pointed comment. Not even a blush or look of shame and embarrassment at being caught out lying.
The man was a robot.
“Right, well,” Regina announced. “Here’s your copy. Remember if your symptoms become worse, come back immediately. Take care of yourself, Eveline.” The nurse handed over the discharge info and left the room, abandoning Eveline to Kyle.
“You ready to get out of here?” he asked.