Page 22 of Keeping Eveline
“Why didn’t you leave when I asked you to? And why did you tell them we were engaged?” Eveline countered, holding the papers close to her chest as if it was a shield.
Instead of answering, Kyle looked at her, his gaze intense and…was that a hint of caring in them?
She must be imagining it because there was no way Kyle Matthews cared about her.
“Kyle?” she asked when the silence stretched between them.
“You shouldn’t be alone. Come on, let’s go.”
Dammit, the man still wasn’t answering her questions, and was it a huge mistake to allow him to take her home?
No, it wasn’t a mistake.
Kyle was still here after she’d told him to leave. If he was someone who could hurt her, he wouldn’t have stayed with her. He would’ve called the paramedics and then left her to go to the hospital by herself.
Plus, Eveline didn’t have the energy or the inclination to call for an Uber to take her home, especially not wearing her blood-stained clothes and her hair resembling more of a rat’s nest than a sleek style. “Okay. I just want to sleep,” she whispered.
The trip from the room she’d been in to where Kyle’s car was parked didn’t take long. When the orderly had turned up at her door with a wheelchair to see her out, she’d argued she could walk. That had been shot down in flames very quickly by both the orderly and Kyle. She’d jumped out of the chair as soon as they’d cleared the hospital exit and made the rest of the way on foot, with Kyle right beside her.
Eveline had a vague memory of Kyle climbing into the ambulance with her. If he said he hadn’t left her, then why was his car here? Unless he’d lied to her.
Kyle had the door open waiting for her to get in, but she remained rooted to the spot.
“Why did you lie to me?” Eveline demanded, squinting against the bright sunlight, which was doing nothing to help with her pounding head.
“I’m sorry, what?” His voice was mild, but there was fire blazing in his brown eyes and his shoulders were pulled back.
“I think you heard me.”
He crossed his arms over his broad chest, his shirt pulling tight against his biceps.
She recalled how hard those arm muscles were; she’d traced them with her fingertips. Her body heated at the memory, and she shoved it down deep.
Not the time, body.
“What makes you think I lied?”
“If you never left the hospital, then how did this get here?” Eveline pointed to his car. “Not to mention our relationship status.”
A slow, sexy smile curved his lips, and damn, if her body didn’t react to that too. Clearly, her concussion had affected her more than even the doctor had picked up on.
“I don’t lie—unless I have to and it serves a purpose. I had one of my team drop my car off for me. Now do you want to go home or not?”
The explanation sounded so reasonable. She noted his vague answer about his real lie—she’d ask him when she got in the car. “Fine.”
Before Eveline could even think about doing it, Kyle reached in, grabbed the seatbelt, and secured it around her—just like Regina had mused.
“I’m not a total invalid, you know,” she huffed and glared, which still didn’t help the dull thud in her brain.
Kyle lifted his head, and his face was only inches from hers.
She could make out his long eyelashes. The fine lines feathering the outside of his eyes, lines that deepened when he laughed. Her gaze dropped to his lips, and of its own volition, her tongue darted out and swiped across her bottom lip.
A sharp intake of breath had her attention flicking back to his eyes, dark with desire. Their gazes locked, as if an invisible silky thread tied bonded them.
Eveline hadn’t been this close to him since their night together. Where need and lust had burned between them until even multiple orgasms later, it hadn’t cooled down.
Was it a mistake to want his lips on hers?