Page 63 of Keeping Eveline
There’d been nothing to suggest that they were being followed.
How had Ox not known?
The instinct that’d saved him numerous times during his military career had disappeared when he’d needed it to be in full force.
The door to the Triple Z’s office burst open and Eveline stumbled out, her head turning left and right as though searching for someone—for him.
Ox paced swiftly toward her, and when he got to her side, he slipped his arm around her and kept moving, not stopping or saying anything until he got them to his car. He bundled Eveline in and got in himself.
“Kyle,” she whispered.
“I know, baby,” he muttered and started the engine, gunning it so that the tires squealed as they pulled away from the curb.
Ox gave a cursory glance into the rearview mirror, not finding anyone following him, but that didn’t mean anything.
They’d been followed—somehow.
“He knows,” Eveline said, this time her voice a little stronger.
“He does.”
Ox drummed his fingers and cursed that they had to stop at a busy intersection. No way would he try to blow through it—not with Eveline in the car. Nor the fact that his actions could harm an innocent person.
How? How was Gerald able to survey him and Eveline?
Only way to find that out was to ask Eveline what she’d discovered.
“Tell me everything you saw,” he demanded as he shot away from the intersection. The plan was to go to the office, but he was going to take the roundabout way to get there. Once he knew what they were working with, he’d get onto Cass to track them.
All the vehicles Alliez owned had tracking devices in them.
Eveline told him what’d been in the box she’d found under the couch. Catching them at the bar could’ve been pure coincidence. He wasn’t going to let himself believe it was a setup, even though that was where his mind had initially tracked.
All through her recap, Ox’s mind was whirling on how they could be followed without him seeing a car—especially if they had a picture of them in the car kissing when he’d dropped her at work. In a location where he knew for damn sure that there were no other cars around them.
It was as though he had eyes in the sky.
Eyes in the sky!
“Fuck. A fucking drone.” The words exploded out of him.
“Gerald used a fucking drone to follow us. That’s why I didn’t see anything.” It pained Ox to admit it, but drone surveillance was a brilliant concept, one he wished he’d come up with.
“Don’t they make a lot of noise? Wouldn’t you have heard it?” Eveline asked.
“Not really and we wouldn’t likely hear it in this car. The windows are bulletproof and so that means ambient and outside noise is muffled more than usual. I need to let Cass know.” He pressed a button on the steering wheel. “Call Cass.”
Two rings later, Cass’s voice filled the car. “What do you need?”
Straight to the point, one of the things he admired about her. “I need a bird in the air,” he said and explained what Gerald had likely done.
“On it. I’ll get you back here safely, and by the time you do, I’ll have the information you need. I’ve also got an update on Randall, too.”
“Copy that,” Ox said, and disconnected the call.