Page 64 of Keeping Eveline
He trusted that Cass and his team would get them to the office safely. All he had to do was be patient, and that was proving difficult to control. He wanted answers, and he wanted them now.
More than anything, he wanted Eveline safe.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Eveline didn’t breathe easy until they were safely inside the walls of the Alliez offices, and even then, she’d expected them to be run over by Gerald and his dubious associates. No way could she go back to work for him.
Not now.
There were pictures of her she hadn’t told Kyle about. Pictures from before she’d met him. Pictures of her grocery shopping. Going to the post office.
None of it made sense. Had he deliberately placed that information of his shady dealings so she’d find it and take it to Kyle?
“Why?” Eveline murmured.
“Why what?” Cass asked.
It was only the two of them in the conference room. Kyle and the others were checking his vehicle to see if there was a tracking device on it—not one put there by Alliez. He’d also sent Angel to his apartment to do the same as well as check Eveline’s vehicle.
Keeping the information about the other photos from Kyle wasn’t the smartest thing to do, but he’d been so angry about what she’d told him, she hadn’t wanted to make it worse, so she’d kept it hidden. Maybe telling Cass wouldn’t be so bad.
“There were more photos that I didn’t tell Kyle about.”
The computer genius’s fingers lifted from the laptop keyboard, and she pushed the device away, focusing all her attention on Eveline. “Explain.”
Eveline’s lips twitched at Cass’s short, sharp response. Was she even aware how much she sounded like her boss? Possibly. “Gerald had pictures that went back to just after I started working for him.”
As she gave the woman a rundown of the locations of the photos, Eveline’s body shook at the thought she’d been followed for years and hadn’t even realized it.
“You need to tell Kyle this. He needs to know,” Cass said.
“I know. I’ll tell him when he comes back in.”
“In the meantime, I’m going to dig a little deeper into Gerald Morkham and his computer and see if he has them on his hard drive.”
“If he had them, why would he print them out? Doesn’t make any sense to have a digital copy as well as a hard copy.”
Cass lifted one shoulder. “You said he likes to write things in notebooks. Makes sense that he’d rather have hard copies instead of relying on digital ones only.”
Eveline nodded. “I still don’t know why he’s so interested in me. Before I went to work with him, I was the typical LA girl, dreaming to be a movie star but lacking any real talent to even make it from three one-line roles in B-Grade movies.”
Cass’s dark brown eyes widened. “You were in some movies?”
She laughed. “You did hear me say B-Grade, right? They didn’t even make it to the big screen. I don’t even think they’re on any streaming services.”
“What are the names?”
Eveline rattled off the names of the movies. “Anyway, it was after the third movie I realized that I was never going to make it, so I answered an ad for a reception job at Triple Z, which I had absolutely no experience for, and somehow got the job. I think Gerald was desperate, and I actually found that I was good at organizing calendars and stuff. I went to classes to improve the basic computer skills I got in high school.”
All through her speech, Cass’s focus never left hers, and Eveline could see the other woman’s mind turning over with every piece of information.
“I wonder,” the tech muttered, her gaze going to the painting on the wall.
Eveline doubted she was taking in all the details. “What?”
“What if Gerald saw you in one of your movies?”