Page 8 of Rapture and Ruin
And now I’m debating marching into the lion’s den and demand — or beg — for my job back.
After taking a deep breath, I enter through the employee door. The kitchen staff barely look at me as I weave around the equipment in the room before heading out into the main club.
There are a few people meeting at one of the tables on the far side of the club, piles of money in front of them. One of them looks up as I pass them and head for the door that leads to The Brazen’s offices.
I don’t stop walking down the long hall until I reach the one with Jovan’s name on it. There is a long pause between when I knock on the door and when it opens, but as soon as it does, the few sentences I had prepared die on my lips.
Jovan sighs and crosses his arms, leaning against the doorframe as he looks down at me. His gaze is enough to stop me in my tracks. All I can think about is the way he looked at me when he was buried inside me.
Get ahold of yourself. You came here for a reason.
“Can I help you?” he asks, his tone gruff. “I was sure that I had fired you, yet here you are. Would you like to explain why?”
“I want my job back. Spilling the bourbon was an accident and you can take the cost out of my first pay.”
Jovan scoffs. “I want nothing from you. I told you that you were fired. Find another job, sweetheart. One where you aren’t going to be spilling bottles on some very powerful men. You’re too goody-good for a place like this. You should be working at some bubblegum pink-colored clothing store, talking about the men you see in movies. Maybe saving bunnies. Sure as shit not working in a club.”
“I’ve been brushing shoulders with bad shit my entire life. I know who you are and that isn’t going to scare me away from working here.”
If he knew what’s happened in my life, he wouldn’t think I’m too innocent to play his little game.
It’s clear that he wants to be in a power position over me, and he’s in one. He is the one who gets to say whether or not I have a job. Allowing me to have my job back directly impacts my ability to return to university and finish studying.
Being a kindergarten teacher is something I always wanted. I’ve done what it takes to get there, I just have to do whatever else it will take to see it through.
If that means that I have to play nice with Jovan and hope that he gives me my job back, then that is what I’ll do.
Creating a difference in a child’s life is worth giving up my pride.
He raises an eyebrow. “And what do you think your colleagues will think when they find out you’ve been sleeping with the boss?”
I shrug and mimic his posture. “I don’t think it will matter much since that was a mistake that happened one time. Besides, I’m sure I’m not the only one. Is that how you get ahead here?”
His eyes narrow, and for a moment, I think he’s going to kick me out. Not that I would blame him. I’m being a pain, and he did fire me only to have me show up at his business unannounced.
“Why do you want this job? There are dozens of other clubs within a ten minute drive. Why is The Brazen so important?”
“It’s an exclusive club. The tips are better. The bottle service girl base pay is better. I need several thousands of dollars to be able to afford my last year of school.”
I’m proud of myself when my voice doesn’t waver.
Jovan looks significantly less impressed, but he still hasn’t told me to leave yet. That is enough to give me hope.
“What you need money for isn’t my problem.” He walks inside the office and glances over his shoulder.
I follow him and shut the door behind me. “Please, Jovan. I really need this job. I won’t say anything about sleeping with you and I’ll work hard.”
He sighs and sits behind his desk, glancing at a paper on top of it. When he looks at me, I can see the words he is about to say. He’s about to tell me to leave.
He doesn’t care that I need money and I can’t blame him for that. Everyone needs money. My needing money isn’t any more important than anyone else’s.
Not to him.
“Look, Hadley, this isn’t the kind of place you should be. There are dangerous people in and out of here all the time.”
“There are dangerous people all over Miami. Wherever I go, I’m going to run into any number of things. I want to be here, though.”
Jovan runs his hand along his jaw before giving a sharp nod. “Alright. I’ll give you your job back. But there are conditions. I don’t want you to become a problem. I have enough of them on my hands.”