Page 9 of Rapture and Ruin
“I won’t be a problem.” I stand in front of his desk and tuck my hands into the pockets of my shorts. “I promise.”
“I know. There will be consequences if you do. You will not speak to me while you work here unless absolutely necessary and nobody is to know about the night I spent with you. If you break either of these terms, I will fire you on the spot.”
Swallowing hard, I nod.
I have no desire to waste time talking to him after what happened the other night. And as for not talking about it, I have no problem saying yes. There is no way that I would tell anybody all the details of what happened.
I’m too humiliated. Jovan played me for a fool and it doesn’t bother him at all.
“Easy enough. Is there anything else?” I ask, picking at a loose thread in my pocket.
“Yes. Part of your new job is being my personal bottle service girl. Any and all meetings I take in this club will require you to be there. I want you under my thumb where I can watch you and make sure that you’re not screwing up. Again.”
The corner of his mouth turns upward as my pride takes a hit. He’s getting some sort of sick enjoyment out of this.
Not that it surprises me.
“You know, if you prefer, instead of bottle girl, maybe I would be willing to keep you around for other purposes,” Jovan said, a slow smile spreading across his face.
“With all due respect, no, thank you,” I say, my voice tight as I try to remain professional. My mouth has already put me in enough trouble as it is. I would gain nothing by saying what’s running through my mind. That he can take his deal and go straight to hell. That waiting on him hand and foot sounds like a nightmare. That I wouldn’t even mind his proposal if he hadn’t been such an asshole after we were done.
That I haven’t been able to stop thinking about us sleeping together. Although, sharing what me and my vibrator do in my alone time seems like a bad idea.
Jovan smirks and leans back in his chair, kicking his feet up on the edge of his desk. The look he gives me makes me think that he knows exactly what I’m thinking about.
“You can tell me to go fuck myself,” Jovan says, chuckling to himself. “I wouldn’t blame you for that.”
“What’s the point on wasting anymore energy on you?”
Instead of waiting for an answer, I leave his office and head through the club to the door. I have my job back. I don’t need to spend more time around Jovan today.
Working with him is going to be hard enough.
I need to keep reminding myself who I’m dealing with and what he’s capable of. Though I can’t find any record of his serving prison time, it doesn’t mean that he’s not a dangerous man.
He’s the leader of the cartel and he could kill me if he wanted.
The stupid side of me is the one that’s willing to admit knowing who Jovan is turns me on far more than it should.
There is something about the darkness in him that seduces the darkness lingering in me.
I pour myself a glass of whiskey as a petite blonde trails her hand down my arm. Once upon a time, her touch would have made me feel something. But just like the woman who had been in my office last week, I can’t be less interested.
The only person I keep picturing naked is the redhead who stormed her way into my office and made it clear she wouldn’t leave until I gave her the job back.
Fucking Hadley. She is going to be a thorn in my damn side.
“What’s on your mind?” Giana asks, running her hands up and down my chest. She starts to fiddle with the buttons on my shirt, pouting as she looks up at me.
“Not tonight, Giana. Not any night ever again either. That was a one-time thing. It’s not going to happen again.”
I down my drink and step away from her. She reaches for me again even as I swat her hands away. As I set the glass on the counter, I think about how easy it would be to make her disappear. She doesn’t have anyone who would miss her and she would no longer be my problem.
I need her to get me information. I can’t be done with her yet.