Page 2 of Make Me Burn
“What are you having?” a tall guy asked her.
“Another rum and Coke, please.”
“Coming up.” And he ran off to the open bar.
When Jinx got to her table where her roommate, Anthia, was sitting, the other three men followed.
Anthia snatched her wrist and said, “Back in a minute, boys. Ladies’ room time. And while we’re gone feel free to go do something else and not come back.”
Laughing, Jinx let her friend pull her out of the ballroom and down the hall. “You know, if you were not so prickly and condescending to them you might actually have more fun,” Jinx said.
“No, thank you. None of those guys are my type,” Anthia said, pushing open the door of the rest room.
“You should have brought along Rex as your guest.”
“I know, but he and I are not exclusive so I thought I’d check out what other men are around. And, boy, is there one I’m dying for you to get a look at.”
“How did you know I had to go?” Jinx asked, hurrying into a stall.
“I didn’t,” Anthia said, taking the stall next to her. “I just wanted to tell you something important without those Leering Lennys hovering.”
“Oh, they are just having fun. I might even take one home tonight.”
“Gee, thanks.”
“Your room is clear across to the other side of the house. You won’t even know anyone is there.”
“There is only one kitchen.”
“Come on, Anthia, you know I never let any guy stay overnight.”
Both women came out of the stalls and headed for the sinks. Anthia made a tsking sound. “Don’t ask me what you see in any of them. Especially you, since you are always talking about your search for a man who can give you that big-screen-level passionate love.”
“I know none of them come anywhere near what I’m looking for. They are only a fun diversion. Believe me, thanks to the many wild goose chases I’ve been on, fooling myself into seeing something that is just not there, I know how rare it is to find that kind of magic and how few men are capable of it.”
“Well, I bet Mr. Sexy Eyes is.”
“Mr. Sexy Eyes?” Jinx asked, confused.
“Yes.” Anthia let out a small squeal. “He’s here! That is what I wanted to tell you.”
Her eyebrows shot up. “You mean the guy who’s been staying at the inn? The one you and all the other waitresses have been drooling over?” Anthia worked on the wait staff at the inn that was part of the Maxwell Point Estate.
“Yes!” Anthia said with a little hop. “He walked in about ten minutes ago and he is sitting at the table with my boss and her husband. I think he is doing some kind of business deal with Beau Briggs. I’m not sure, but aside from being megawatt hot, I know he owns some kind of company and has shitloads of money.”
“Down, girl.” Jinx really liked her new roommate, but she hadn’t known her all that long. Anthia answered an ad Jinx had listed for a roommate five months ago and already they were close. And Jinx needed a friend these days.
The person who’d been her bestie since high school, Bailey Abbott—or rather Bailey Hull now—was busy with a husband and a new baby that her life revolved around. So Jinx hardly ever saw Bailey outside of the gift shop the two women still ran together.
Jinx also felt guilty for the ironic jealousy that sometimes surfaced unbidden. Ironic because for so many years it had been difficult to dig up a date for Bailey, who was taller than most men and super quiet. Meanwhile, Jinx always had more guys around than she could handle. Yet now Bailey was happily married and Jinx was still just “having fun” with a host of mediocre men while she searched for her elusive larger-than-life true love who would knock her off her feet and show her how exciting love could really be.
“When we get back to the ballroom,” Anthia said as they walked out of the ladies room, “if you could hold off your horde of admirers long enough, I will point out Mr. Sexy Eyes to you.”
“Are you going to introduce yourself?” Jinx asked.
Anthia smirked. “Why should I? What would I say? ‘Hi, remember me? I’m the girl who served you that mushroom omelet this morning.’ That’s sure to win him over.”
“I disagree. He might be looking for some company tonight. Why not try it?”