Page 3 of Make Me Burn
“Jinx, he drives a Ferrari, for God’s sake.”
“Doesn’t mean he is a snob.”
“Maybe not, but he is so out of my league, a god among men. I would get one night with him and he’d forget I exist tomorrow.”
“I might rather have one night with a god than years with—”
“I’m not like you, Jinx.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Hand to her hip, Jinx stopped and faced her friend.
After an awkward moment, Anthia said, “You aren’t afraid to go OTT even if it means you get negative feedback from some people. I am not comfortable being looked at and talked about or putting myself on the line. I’m okay to just drool from afar.”
“Look, I know what some people say about me, but you know what? This is my life and I’m going to damn well live it rather than hanging back and watching from the sidelines. Have I had mud on my face? Plenty. But I just pick myself up after a face plant and start over regardless of other people’s opinions.”
“Jinx, I didn’t mean to imply that—”
“I know.” Jinx reached out and gave her a hug. “I’m sorry for pushing you. We all have to do things our own way, right?”
“You have already helped me get a job and maneuver so many obstacles that I’m grateful to you for, but when it comes to men, considering your track record, I think I’m the one who should be giving the advice.”
Jinx threw her head back and laughed. “I have a feeling I know what that would be. Stop hanging with the kind of guys waiting for me in the ballroom.”
Anthia nodded. “The reason you end up just killing time with twerps like those guys is because you keep looking for someone who is going to make fireworks go off in the sky when he kisses you. A hero of romance-novel proportions. You’re looking for a man that does not exist.”
“Point taken,” Jinx said, but a voice inside reminded her of one man that would fit the bill. Too bad she would never see him again. And even if she did, there could never be anything between them.
Jinx hooked her elbow around her girlfriend’s and started back. “All right. Show me Mr. Sexy Eyes. Let’s go drool from afar together at your magnificent unapproachable god on earth.”
When they returned to their table, three of the men were still there, one with a new rum and Coke for Jinx. She thanked him and took it, then turned and stepped toward the dance floor with Anthia.
“Over there at that table where Hadley and Beau Briggs are sitting.” Anthia discreetly gestured to the table on the other side of the room. “He is on the left,” she whispered, “wearing a dark charcoal suit that looks like it cost a mint.”
“Those dancers are blocking my view,” Jinx said.
“They will move when this song stops. Right now he’s leaning forward with his elbows on his thighs and his head down, anyway.” Anthia pulled Jinx a little more to the side. “We can see better from here. Only trouble is over here he can also get a clear view of us staring at him.”
“Don’t worry. If he is as good as you say, we aren’t the only women looking, and he is probably used to it.” Jinx got into place and zeroed in on the guy.
Just as she did, it seemed he sensed someone watching him and lifted his head.
And her world stopped.
That face. She knew every chiseled angle of it. And when his sexy brown eyes met hers and darkened slightly with recognition, she could not breathe.
Frozen in place, she nearly dropped the drink from her hand.
Logan Bennett.
Her heart went into warp speed. Mr. Sexy Eyes was not just Anthia’s god on earth—he was hers. Or he had been at one time. A guy she had worshipped from afar back when she was an innocent teen who fell hopelessly in love with her big brother’s best friend.
All through high school she had kept a photo of him and her brother on her bedroom nightstand just so she could gaze at her secret crush every night before falling asleep. She knew what his torso looked like under that suit he wore tonight, had memorized every aspect of his long, lean, muscular body that moved with perfect lion-like grace.
Thirteen. Jinx had been thirteen years old when Victor first brought his college roommate home with him to spend the holidays with her family. His own family a shambles, Logan had become a regular part of hers, spending holidays and summers year after year. And with each year, the bond between them had only gotten more intense. Each time Logan defended her when Victor treated her like a pain in the butt. Or when he tossed her an “I got your back” smile when she got in trouble with her parents. He’d noticed her, he’d seen her in a way no one else in the family had.
But while Jinx had spent years fantasizing about him, she doubted Logan had any idea his smiles gave her wet dreams or that every look from his sexy eyes went straight to her clit. And her heart.
Her heart that he broke when he left town without so much as a goodbye or see ya around, kid.