Page 4 of Make Me Burn
Making her hate him.
“Isn’t he gorgeous?” Anthia said, giggling next to her and bringing her back to the present.
Jinx nodded, unable to speak. Should she tell her? What would she say?
Even if Jinx decided to tell Anthia how well she knew her Mr. Sexy Eyes, she couldn’t right now. The words would stick in her dry tense throat. All she could do was stand there returning Logan’s penetrating glare.
Their eyes were still locked, riveted on each other, his dark gaze filled with an arrogant challenge. And anger. And the sexy heat of desire.
A look she had wished for so many times in the past.
Luckily, she was saved by a man’s arms coming around her from behind. It was the guy named Kirk. Jinx leaned back against him and they swayed to the music.
Anthia rolled her eyes and left as Jinx proceeded to swivel and rock to the slow beat with this tall dark-haired honey. Yeah, he was good-looking enough to be her escape move from the snare of Logan’s eyes that she could still feel on her back now that she had turned away.
Kirk started nuzzling her neck and murmured, “Let’s get out of here.”
Exactly what she needed. Some no-strings-attached sex. She went to the table and grabbed her purse, then headed out of the ballroom with Kirk.
Logan was on his feet and racing to the exit without a glance back at Beau, whose “Is something wrong?” question would have to go unanswered.
He made it to the lobby just in time to see them outside the front entrance, Kirk’s hands all over her, igniting Logan’s rage. He bolted forward, ready to yank the asshat away from Jinx and pummel him. But then his lightning fast brain kicked in with a solution that would not end up in a lawsuit, not to mention possibly upending the deal he was working on with Beau.
He pulled out his mobile and held it up. “Hey, Kirk,” he said, striding to the embracing couple. “An important message came in from your wife. She’s been trying to reach you. You better go make a call to your wife, right now, man.” Logan made a point of emphasizing the word “wife” and it had the desired effect.
Jinx pulled quickly away from Kirk, giving him a murderous look. “You’re married? Get away from me, you lying dirtbag.”
Meanwhile, Kirk also had a murderous look on his face, but it was aimed at Logan. He strode past him back toward the building, grumbling as he went by, “Message from Meryl, my ass. You’re just pulling a cock block ‘cause you want this hot little nugget for yourself.”
Logan did not bother to defend himself, didn’t need to, since he paid Kirk’s salary. All that mattered was that he’d stopped Jinx from getting used by a man like him. Yeah, that same old need to protect her was still there in spades.
As soon as Kirk left, Logan turned to Jinx and there it was between them again. The intense heat and simmering passion that had grown with every visit he’d made to her family’s home, making each stay that much more difficult but, oh, so much sweeter. Of course, he had never touched her, never let her see how much he wanted her. Aside from being jailbait, she was Victor’s baby sister, and he had sworn a pact with Victor to beat the shit out of any man who tried to take advantage of her.
Like Kirk. But years had gone by and Logan had changed. He fought his battles in board rooms and conference tables now, preferring moves like the one he’d just pulled on Kirk to ensure he got what he wanted.
Speaking of something he wanted…Jinx stood there staring daggers at him, her D-cup breasts jutting out just begging to be licked, her Ava Gardner face a mix of sultry heat and fury. Was that an underlying sadness he could detect?
Logan stepped closer. “What the hell do you think you’re doing, Jinx?”
Her nostrils flared. “How dare you come barging into my life out of the blue. I have not seen you in seven years and you think you can show up and start playing big brother? I don’t need you to rescue me.”
“Apparently you do.” He jutted his chin in the direction of Kirk’s retreat path. “I haven’t forgotten your tendency to get yourself into a jam now and then.”
“Well, I’m perfectly capable of getting myself out of them these days, thank you. I am all grown up now, in case you haven’t noticed.”
“Oh, I’ve noticed.” And time stopped once again, the tense heat between them almost palpable.
Jinx tossed her thick mane of dark hair over her shoulder and that move sent his pulse racing. He had always wanted to dig his fingers into her hair, to pull her in close, and devour her mouth. In fact, for years it had been his favorite way to begin his jerking off sessions in the shower.
Until everything fell apart.
“Do you have a ride home?” he asked, reminding himself of the reason he was standing out here—to make sure she got home safely.
“None of your business, dude.”
“You can’t drive. You’ve had too much to drink.”
“Oh, really? Well, I thought I might just hit this club down in Riverhead.” She forced out a high-pitched laugh.