Page 31 of Love You Still
“I would say so,” Emersyn responds cheerfully as the front door opens and my niece, Jade, comes strolling into the studio.
“One of those better be for me,” Jade says, wrapping her arms around my waist and giving me a squeeze.
“Of course. Seeing you is the only reason I come here anymore, anyway.” I wink at her before pulling a cup from the holder and handing it to her. “Where’s your old man?”
“Hanging by the door, trying to get a glimpse of Ms. Audrey.” Jade giggles as she takes a sip from her cup.
I chuckle softly at my friend’s expense. Not that I’m any better than he is. Audrey Wilde is the first woman since Lydia, who has caught my best friend’s interest, much to all our excitement.
Ever since Audrey Wilde arrived in town, Connor has been different. When his wife, Lydia, died during childbirth, he shut himself off from the world, choosing to focus on raising his baby girl instead of finding someone to spend his life with. Until Audrey. Now, she is all he can think about.
I tried for years to convince Connor to dip his toe into the dating pool, knowing that he needed someone to love him unconditionally, just like Lydia did, but he never budged. He also took great pleasure in reminding me that I should do the same thing, and I refused as well. I believed that the two of us would end up as two bachelors, constantly wondering how our lives would’ve been different if the women we loved weren’t taken from us. But when Audrey came into town, she threw Connor for a loop, making him feel things he hadn’t since Lydia and wondering what he would do. I tried to give him advice, but if you take my current situation, I was not the best person to ask.
“Still hasn’t convinced her to give him the time of day?” I ask, hoping my friend was faring better than I am now.
“Nope. Love and I are about to intervene because they are driving us insane.”
Love is Audrey’s daughter and Jade’s best friend. Jade has always been a little skeptical of new people that come into town, but there was something about Love that caught her attention, and they’ve been attached at the hip ever since. It seems that Audrey and Love were exactly what Jade and Connor needed. I just hope the two adults pull their heads out of their asses and pay attention to what’s right in front of them before it’s too late.
“I have a good feeling about those two, Squirt. Just have faith.” I pull her to my side, planting a kiss on the top of her head.
“Go away, Vance,” Selina grumbles as she comes strolling out of the back room.
This woman is a vision, with wisps of black hair brushing against the top of her ears. Her toned body is a thing of beauty as she practically glides toward me. Her luscious lips are the color of a blush rose, competing with her hazel eyes for my attention.
“I thought you said she was in a good mood,” I mumble to Emersyn, causing her and Jade to laugh loudly.
“I am in a good mood. Just not in the mood to deal with you.” Selina rolls her eyes as she grabs her coffee and takes a sip.
I quickly come to my senses. “Not even a thank-you, Seli? What would your mama say about your manners?”
I lean against the counter, the perfect picture of ease, though I’m anything but. Being this close to her awakens the demon I’ve kept trapped inside me for years, reminding me once again that Selina Grymes is the only woman for me, now and forever.
“I’m sure you’ll tell her all about it during your weekly phone calls.” She takes another swig of coffee. “She misses you at family dinner, by the way.”
“I miss family dinner, too, but it seemed like someone was determined to avoid them as long as I was there, so I told your mom I’d take a rain check for the foreseeable future.”
“Don’t flatter yourself, Vance. I didn’t miss family dinner because of you. I have a lot of stuff going on right now.”
“I know, but it’s nice to dream,” I respond, ensuring I have her full attention. “But I’ll excuse your rudeness and not tell your mom on one condition.”
“How about I just tell you ‘Thank you’ now because my answer hasn’t changed, Vance. I’m not going out with you.” She turns and marches back into the back room. “I need to focus on getting back into shape so I can go back to New York. I don’t have time for anything but practice and running my classes.”
“All I want is to have coffee and have a chance to get to know you again. Is that too much to ask?”
“Vance, everyone knows you want more from me than to just catch up.”
“Seli, please put all of us out of our misery and agree to have coffee with him. I’m sure you two have more than enough things to talk about,” Connor chimes in from beside me before I can say anything.
“Maybe. Maybe not, but my answer is still no.” She sighs loudly, checking her watch. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, it’s almost time for Jade’s lesson to begin.”
Just as she turns to walk back into the studio, Jade comes strolling out. “What did I miss?” She throws her empty cup into the trash. “Did you crash and burn again, Uncle Vance?”
“Tragically,” Connor snickers, as he throws his arm over my shoulder. “Come on, man. Let’s go grab a beer while I wait for Jade to finish up with her lesson.”
“Are you not hanging around to wait for Audrey again today?” Emersyn chimes in, a devious smile creeping across her face.
“I don’t hang around waiting for Audrey,” he grumbles, running his hand through his hair.