Page 52 of Love You Still
“I’m glad you finally got her to talk to you. Fingers crossed she’s not as stubborn as you are.” Connor laughs loudly as he wakes up his computer before searching for the pictures our potential client sent of the house we will be working on. “But I don’t think you’re going to make those dinner plans.”
“Never say never,” I reply before pulling my phone out of my pocket and shooting off a text to Selina.
Connor has already asked me about what happened last night. Never fear, your virtue is still intact in his mind.
You’re such a goofball. Bristol, Audrey, and Leia were waiting for me when I got to the studio.
And nothing. I had a class to teach. I told them to come back at lunchtime.
Why does this surprise me? LOL. Are we still on for dinner tonight?
Can we play it by ear? Someone kept me up too late last night, so I may just climb into bed after my classes are done.
You weren’t complaining last night. Just let me know, okay? Connor and I have a proposal to put together for a job, so I’ll be at the office for the next few hours. Love you.
Talk to you later.
“Audrey is champing at the bit to find out what happened last night.” I chuckle before shoving my phone back into my pocket.
“I’m not surprised. Now that we’ve found our way to each other, it seems she’s made it her personal mission to ensure her friends are as happy as she is.”
“Congratulations, Connor. You deserve to be happy after all these years. I’m sure Lydia is just as happy for you as I am.”
“I think she is, too. Now all we need to do is figure out how to convince Selina to give you another shot.”
“Did she tell you about her accident?”
“Yes,” I murmur. “The doctor gave her a clean bill of health. She should be back to dancing in no time.”
“And how do you feel about her dancing professionally again?”
“I’m happy for her. I want to have the chance to watch her dance across the stage with a blinding smile on her face, but…” My voice trails off.
“But what?”
Without looking up from my desk, I voice my greatest fear aloud. “I’m scared that she’s just going to pick up and leave again without a word. I know Selina still loves me. I can see it in her eyes, but she’s afraid of something. The only problem is, I have no idea what that is.”
“Have you asked her?” he questions as he pulls up a gallery of pictures and begins slowly flipping through them.
Each picture shows a different room in the house, each in an even worse state than the last. I’m finally beginning to see why Connor was so worried about taking this job. This is a huge undertaking, but if we pull this off, the word of mouth from this job alone could carry our business to the next level.