Page 53 of Love You Still
“No. She’s made it perfectly clear that she doesn’t plan on staying in Tyson’s Creek long term.”
“Really?” Connor questions, turning to me. “But she’s putting down roots this time, Vance. She bought the dance studio, she’s making new friends, and she’s making a place for herself in town again. Even if she wanted to just pick up and leave, she has responsibilities now.”
“I know. Maybe she has plans to hire someone to run the studio for her when she leaves or wants to have the business as something to fall back on if she’s injured again.”
“And you don’t plan on asking her what her plans are?” Connor pins me in place with his eyes as I search for an answer to his questions. “I’m going to take your silence as confirmation you plan on making the same mistake you did when we were kids. You need to stop expecting her to be the only one to put her heart on the line. You need to show her how much she means to you, even if that means following her to New York.”
“But we have the business. And you and Jade need me.”
“Don’t you dare use me or my daughter as an excuse for being afraid. You say you are all in and are willing to move miles awayfrom the only home you’ve ever known for Selina, but actions speak louder than words.”
“You’re right. It's time for me to man up and have a serious conversation with her. I made the mistake of letting my fear stop me from getting my girl once. I don’t plan on making the same mistake again.” I pull Connor in for a one-armed hug before digging my knuckles into his hair. “Now, enough talk about the status of Selina’s and my relationship. Let’s get a plan put together for this client in Magnolia so I can make it to my dinner date.”
Chapter 19
“It’s lunchtime,” Leia deadpans as she comes barreling into the studio, Bristol and Audrey hot on her heels. “You are going to tell us all the details about your date with Vance.”
“They looked mighty cozy when they left Connor’s place last night. I’d be shocked if she made it home before now,” Audrey chimes in as she quietly locks the front door behind them.
This is the third time these three have popped into the studio since I arrived this morning. Each one of them wants to know all the sordid details, wanting to dissect every moment we spent together in search of a deeper meaning.
I can’t blame them either. I’ve been replaying every moment of last night in my head on repeat since I walked into my parents’ house this morning. My skin flushes as memories of the night we spent together play through my mind on a movie reel. Last night awakened a need for him that is both overwhelming and frightening all at once. I’ve never connected with another man in the way I connected with him, and I probably never will.
Much like Vance, I attempted to date after I got into the company, but no one ever measured up to my memory of Vance. They weren’t tall enough, their hair wasn’t soft enough, or theireyes weren’t brown enough. I tried to convince myself that I was just picky, not wanting to settle for someone who didn’t deserve a chance at my heart, but eventually, I realized that wasn’t it. I was still in love with Vance, the boy that stole my heart when I was a little girl. No matter how much I tried to reinvent myself and bury the small-town girl from Tennessee, a large part of me refused to let her go.
“What’s there to tell? He took me to his house and showed me around. We did some shots and had pizza.”
“That’s it?” Audrey questions as she threads her arm through mine, leading me toward a row of seats on the opposite wall. “That sounds like the most boring date in history.”
“For real. I expected him to take her on a tour directly to his bed.” Leia snickers before plopping down on the seat on my other side.
“Did he manage to change your mind about leaving?” Bristol questions as she waddles towards us, her hand resting on her lower back.
I take a moment, giving serious thought to the idea of spending the rest of my life here in Tyson’s Creek. Being able to teach other girls to follow their dreams, no matter what the cost, the same way Ms. Cassandra taught me. That idea alone makes my heart swell, but then I remember everything I will have to give up if I stay.
Dancing the lead in a ballet has always been my goal since I auditioned for Juilliard. Ever since that day, I knew that dancing was what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. Being under the lights and dancing my heart out is an adrenaline rush that I’ve only felt one other time before: the day I told Vance I loved him for the first time.
Not knowing how to answer that question, I turn to Audrey. “How did things go with you and Connor last night, Audrey? You two seemed pretty cozy when Vance and I left.”
“Amazing. Let’s just be glad Vance texted before you all came in the door. You would have had a vastly different welcome if you had come in a few minutes earlier.”
“I’m happy for you. Now, when’s the wedding?” I ask.
I’m not just saying that, either. I’m genuinely happy for her and Connor. I’m glad they finally found someone to spend their lives with. For me, it’s been nothing but dance for years. I almost forgot what it felt like to have someone else cherish me so much. That is, until last night.
“Don’t change the subject,” Bristol says as she awkwardly attempts to lower herself into a chair. “Audrey has already given us the details from her night while you were on your date. Now it’s your turn.”
Leia and Audrey laugh softly, causing me to sigh loudly. “Nothing happened. We had pizza and chatted.”
“Chatting doesn’t lead to you not coming home until this morning.”
“How did you know I didn’t come home?” I question, my eyes swiveling between my three friends.
“Your mom. Someone forgot to tell their mother they weren’t coming home, so she called me looking for you.” Bristol winces slightly as she runs a hand across her pregnant belly. “Don’t worry, I let her know you were on a date with Vance.”
“Great. Now I’m going to have to sit through the Spanish Inquisition when I get home, too.”