Page 124 of Side By Side
“No, it wasn’t all about that; especially when I was younger. But that was a big part of it.”
“Fantasy sex with the girl you kissed once in a locker room?”
Chandler nodded and said, “This may sound cliché, but I promise you that it’s the truth, okay?”
“Okay.” Belle removed her own shirt.
“I think it was always you for me, Belle. I used to ask Cat to sign me up for a million competitions a year all over the country in the hopes of seeing you again. You left, and I didn’t even have your phone number. Neither of us was even allowed social media back then – at least, not in the program – but I created accounts under another name just to see if you got on there after you left the program. I didn’t know what I was going to do if I found you, but I needed to try. I missed you in a way that wasn’t a girl missing her best friend. It was always more.”
“For me, too,” Belle replied.
She knelt down in front of Chandler and pulled the pants down her legs as Chandler kicked off her short heels. Belle kissed her thighs then, and Chandler closed her eyes, running her hand through Belle’s hair as those warm lips moved up to her stomach and Belle’s hands ran over her skin.
“We only got one night of this,” Chandler said.
“And one morning,” Belle added.
“I want all your nights and mornings, Belle.”
Belle looked up at her and smiled softly before she stood.
“Lie down for me. We can start with tonight.”
Chandler moved to lie down, with her head against the pillows, and watched Belle strip down to nothing before she joined her. She kissed Chandler hard, which was clearly something they both needed. Belle took her time, though, despite Chandler trying to get her to put her hand between her legs and make her come at least once quickly. She’d been thinking about Belle touching her again since the last time. Belle didn’t rush, though. She kissed Chandler’s neck for some minutes, whispered in her ear that she had missed her so much and didn’t even care if that was lame, sucked and licked her flesh, and finally, moved down Chandler’s body and pulled off the underwear she’d left on earlier.
“I’m going to really enjoy this,” Belle said as she settled between Chandler’s legs.
“What?” Belle asked and grinned up at her.
“You know what.” Chandler laughed a little and then added, “Look.”
“Oh, I plan to.” Belle took her in, running her fingers on either side of her before she spread her. “You’re soaked.”
“Exactly.” She met Belle’s eyes.
“And hard. God, you’re really hard, babe.”
“Yes, I am. I need you, Belle. Please.”
“I can’t wait to make you come,” Belle told her and ran her index finger gently over Chandler’s clit, making her jump before she licked Chandler hard.
“Oh, thank God!” she let out and closed her eyes, letting the sensation of being touched by this woman again fully hit her.
“I love how you taste. I used to wonder how sweet you’d be. Now, I know.” Belle licked her again. “Very.”
“Belle, please.” Chandler lifted her hips, and Belle licked her once more before she engulfed Chandler’s clit in her mouth and finally started sucking. “Oh, God!”
It wouldn’t take long; she’d known that before they’d even gotten started. Just seconds later, though, she was already on the verge of coming, so when Belle moaned against her clit, her orgasm hit her even harder than she anticipated. Then, before she had the chance to come down all the way, Belle shifted up the bed and kissed her, her fingers moving to Chandler’s entrance and slowly pushing inside.
“I need you,” Belle said against Chandler’s lips.
Chandler waited until Belle settled her center over her thigh. She moved her hand between Belle’s legs and waited again as Belle lowered herself down on Chandler’s fingers. Chandler pressed her thumb to Belle’s clit and let her rock on her hand. Belle sat up and rolled her hips as she pushed inside and pulled out of Chandler’s body. Chandler used her free hand to cup Belle’s breast, playing with the nipple a bit and wishing she could get her mouth on it, but with the angle, it wouldn’t work well, so she’d have to wait for that.
“God, you feel so good. I love your fingers,” Belle said.
Chandler bit her bottom lip. She’d dreamed of Belle saying those exact words to her over and over again, and she still couldn’t believe they were doing this. Not just the making love part, but they were together. She’d fantasized about them having sex, yes, but she’d also fantasized about them doing everything else as well. When she’d been a teenager, she’d pictured them skating together and sneaking kisses or going to the mall in town and eating at the food court, laughing, and talking about things that seemed silly now. The older she got, the dreams changed. She’d picture them out on romantic dates, waking up next to each other, and having lazy Sunday mornings together, even though Chandler hadn’t ever had a lazy Sunday morning in her life. She couldn’t believe she’d gotten it right. At only thirteen years old, she’d met the woman she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. And now, she finally could.