Page 125 of Side By Side
“Are you okay?” Belle asked after they both came down.
She was lying next to Chandler, tracing shapes over Chandler’s stomach.
“Yeah. Why?”
“You seemed a little zoned out just now.”
“I’m here,” she replied, cupping Belle’s cheek. “And I’m very happy. I think I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my entire life in this moment.”
“The orgasm was that good?” Belle joked.
Chandler smiled and said, “No.”
“I mean, yes; it was amazing. But that’s not why I’m the happiest I’ve ever been, babe. Orgasms are great, and I want more of them with you, but it’s more than that.” Belle kissed her shoulder, and Chandler continued, “I feel like I’ve taken some pretty big steps recently, and I’m ready for one more big one.”
“What’s that?” Belle asked.
“I came out to my sister already, but I think I’d like to come out to my parents and maybe everyone else, too.”
“You told Cat?”
“I did. I told her about us, too.”
Chandler nodded and said, “Yes. And she’s good with it. I think she’s realizing some things about herself, too, right about now, so it was good timing. I don’t know when or how I’ll tell my parents. They don’t exactly come to town often. And there’s the thing about me not skating with Lincoln and probably not being able to make the Olympic Team that’s going to make my mother angry… But I’ve lived my whole life doing everything I can to try to make that woman happy, and I’m realizing way too late that no matter what I do, I probably never will. So, I’ll tell them whenever we talk next. And yeah, I’m ready – I don’t care if the whole world knows I’m gay. I have the best girlfriend who forgave me and gave me a second chance, and who gave up her life here to try to help me do something I wanted, even though she’s never cared about that stuff because she’s always known there are more important things in life. She’s strong and beautiful and funny, and I am totally into her.” Chandler winked at Belle.
“I’m totally into you, too,” Belle said before she leaned over and added, “And I’m still very proud of you.”
Chandler smiled and pulled Belle back on top of her, holding the woman there, not wanting or needing anything other than to have Belle pressed against her like this.
“All that training, and I know we have it, but I’m still nervous. I’ve never skated at nationals,” Belle said.
“I know. But you’re amazing.” Chandler pressed both of her hands to Belle’s collarbones. “You’re calm under pressure. And I’ve never been a better skater than when you’ve been out there on the ice with me.”
“I want to kiss you,” Belle told her after scrunching up her face.
“Trust me, I want to kiss you, too. You look cute in your costume. But we shouldn’t here.” She looked around the warm-up room. “In fact.” She removed her hands from Belle’s body.
“Hey, I liked those where they were.”
“I know, babe. Me too. I like them a little lower as well.” Chandler wiggled her eyebrows at Belle, who laughed softly. “But we should at least attempt to be professional here.”
“I know,” Belle said on a sigh. “It doesn’t stop me from wanting to hold you right now. Can we pretend we’re both really nervous and just want a hug from our partners?”
Chandler wrapped her arms around Belle’s neck and pulled her in. Belle’s arms went around Chandler’s waist, and she rested her lips against Chandler’s neck. They stood like that for at least a minute before Belle finally pulled out of the hug. She wanted to kiss Chandler after, but they’d talked and decided not to come out as a couple until after their last skate. Belle didn’t want anything to take away from Chandler being a great skater. She didn’t want anyone to make comments about her or their relationship or how they skated well because they were a couple instead of because they were both good skaters. Chandler had agreed, so they’d decided to date in secret and skate tonight and tomorrow night. After that, they didn’t care who knew about them because this was their final competition.
Things were calming down in other areas of Belle’s life. Her dad had gotten out of his cast and had completed a few weeks of physical therapy to rebuild some of his muscle that had grown weak without use. His shoulder was fine, as was his other ankle, and he’d been back at work for weeks now, mostly sitting behind the desk but also walking around and doing light tasks around the Ice Park when he could.
Belle had taken some time away from her hockey team, choosing to focus on figure skating until after nationals. She didn’t want to get injured and ruin their plans. As much as she loved playing hockey and her team, skating with Chandler gave them more time together and focused her brain in a way that even hockey never had.
“Okay. Are you ready?” Chandler asked. “It’s time.”
“I’m ready,” she replied. “But I still really want to kiss you for good luck. We do that every time we skate.”