Page 24 of Side By Side
“I can’t really do that,” Chandler revealed.
“What do you mean?”
“I hate being out here on my own. I have for a long time. It’s the main reason I switched to pairs.”
“I don’t remember you hating it.”
“I didn’t hate it when you knew me before. Now, I get out here on my own, and instead of my brain being able to focus, it’s like everything is jumbled; my whole routine gets mixed up in my mind, and I can’t remember it. Or, I can, but I forget how to do even a simple toe loop.” Chandler shook her head. “But that doesn’t really matter anymore because I switched to pairs. It’s easier when I’m out here with a partner. They keep me on track, you know?”
“Walker Wilcox is good,” Belle replied.
Chandler tilted her head, as if surprised that Belle even knew who her partner was, and said, “Yeah, he is. He’s just also injured, and it could be months before he’s able to skate again, so I’m on my own.”
“Trying to make the team?”
Chandler nodded and said, “Not as a soloist. I’m still looking for a partner. Justin was the one Cat wanted for me. He’s a very talented skater, but he’s also… very annoying.” Chandler laughed a little, and it reminded Belle of how she laughed as a teenager. “He called me ‘dude.’ I mean, me. Do I look like a dude?”
“No, not at all.” Belle chuckled. “But you could consider it a term of endearment, maybe.”
“I don’t think ‘dude’ counts as a term of endearment. And I’m not sure I want my skating partner using a term of endearment for me, either.”
Belle just nodded because she didn’t know what else to say.
“Hey, I wanted to ask you something,” Chandler added. “I was going to try another day, but since we’re both here, maybe now is a good time.”
Belle leaned forward, expecting the woman to bring up their past. Instead, Chandler lifted her right hand and brushed it over her own cheek for some reason. Then, she cleared her throat.
“Um… Would you ever consider skating competitively again?”
“What? Why?”
“Have you kept up with the skating news? I know you watch competitions, and you obviously know my partner, but have you kept up with anything else?”
“Not much. Unless it has to do with the Ice Park. Why are you asking, Chandler?” she repeated.
“So, the US is letting same-sex partners compete now.”
“Huh?” Belle asked.
“Two women can skate together in real events, not just the ones that don’t matter. Nationals, Belle. Two men could, too.”
“Okay. So?”
“Well,” Chandler began and cleared her throat again. “Walker is out. Justin is a big no for me, and I can’t find anyone else. We’ve been looking, Cat and me. The ones she likes, I don’t. The ones I like, she can’t stand. I don’t want to make the Olympic Team as an individual. I know I couldn’t do it. I’ve got some issues there. But as part of a pair, I have a chance. I was an alternate at the last Games, just missing out. And this is the final time I’ll even be considered. I’ll be thirty-one by the time the next one rolls around. And while I’ve escaped without any major injuries up until now, you know how it goes the older you get in this sport. Even if they would consider sending me in about five years, anything can happen between now and then.”
“I still don’t–”
“Belle, I’m asking you to consider skating with me.”
Belle’s eyes went wide. Chandler laughed loudly.
“Yeah, that’s about the reaction I expected. But it makes sense.”
“Um… How, exactly?”
“No one else will consider it, for one.”
“Oh, gee. Thanks for making me feel special there, Chandler.”