Page 93 of Side By Side
Chandler stood, too, and Belle just looked at her, shaking her head.
“What?” Chandler asked with a confused smile on her face.
“I just can’t believe you’re here. I was so worried that I’d ruined it.”
“Ruined what?”
“Your trust in me.”
“Why would you think that?”
“Because I told you I wouldn’t leave. Then, I did.”
“Belle, it’s not the same thing. You didn’t leave because you had a choice. I know the difference. I was disappointed, yeah, but you didn’t leave because you wanted to. And I still trust you. I trust you more than anyone else in my life right now. I realize that’s not saying much, given the other people in it, but we’re good.”
Belle nodded and said, “Okay. Well, I have a lot of Tootsie Rolls and Jolly Ranchers, so if you want to steal some, they’re all yours. You can consider them your repayment for stocking the prize counter.”
“All the Tootsie Rolls and Jolly Ranchers I can eat?”
“Yup.” Belle nodded.
“You’re not going to eat any of them, are you?” Belle chuckled.
“No way. I had a whole scoop of ice cream the other night.”
“You rebel,” Belle teased and nodded toward the arcade.
“You’re a bad influence on me.”
“Oh, I don’t think that’s true,” Belle argued.
“You made me eat two and a half doughnuts.”
“I did not.” She laughed.
“I gave into the peer pressure.”
Belle shook her head as she laughed. Chandler was here. She smiled as she thought of what that might mean.
Chandler hadn’t thought all that hard about joining Belle. She’d lain around for a few hours, let Antonia make her something to eat, and she’d gone out to the rink to get in some skating time, but no one was there. Her trainer wasn’t due in for the week because she’d given him the time off. Her sister wasn’t there because Chandler had told her not to be. Her parents hadn’t been there in years. Then, Belle wasn’t there, and Chandler had felt her absence more acutely than everyone else’s. Belle had been there the least amount of time, but she’d made the biggest impact on Chandler’s life. That was true in more ways than one.
It was that first kiss that had started the whole thing. Belle kissing her on the cheek had made it clear in Chandler’s young mind that she wanted more than a cheek kiss. She’d gone for it, and that had been the last impulsive thing Chandler had done in her life. After getting a few texts from Belle saying that she was at her dad’s place, that he was pretty banged up but overall would be fine, and that she’d have a lot of work to do, had been enough to have Chandler considering getting a flight there. But when Belle had called her, and she’d heard her tired voice, that had been enough to seal it for her. She’d booked the first flight out that she could get. She’d taken a car to the airport. Then, from the airport, and because she didn’t know where Belle lived or where her dad lived, she’d tried the Ice Park first. Sure, she probably should’ve told Belle her plans, but she knew Belle would tell her not to come, and Chandler wanted to be there for her. She also wanted to be there for herself.
“Hi, Mr. Elrod,” she greeted when she walked into the man’s bedroom, feeling totally out of place. “Belle asked me to bring you your breakfast.” Chandler held up a tray with scrambled eggs, toast, and coffee.
“Oh, thank you,” he said and tried his best to sit up in bed.
“No problem,” she replied and placed the tray on his lap. “Can I get you anything else? She said you don’t drink juice or milk in the morning, but do you want some water or something?”
“I have some here, but thank you,” he replied and nodded toward his table, where he had a glass of water. “Tell me something, Chandler.”
“Uh… Okay,” she said and looked toward the open bedroom door, hoping Belle would walk in soon.
“What, exactly, are you doing here? Belle told me you’re supposed to be trying to make the team, but you’re here instead. And I can’t imagine taking care of an injured man is part of your figure skating training.”