Page 94 of Side By Side
Chandler smiled and said, “No, it’s not. But there’s ice, so I can skate while I’m here, too.”
“But you can’t partner with Belle for the Olympics.”
“No. I wish I could, though. She’s still amazing. Do you know how good she was back then?”
“I remember being told that, yes,” he replied and took a sip of his coffee.
“She’s still that good. All that work she’s put in over the years at the Ice Park, even without a coach or real training – it’s amazing. She just fell right back into it with me, and somehow, she also knows how to partner another woman and make it look effortless. She really is just naturally talented, and most of us spend our whole careers trying to match that talent with our work ethic.”
“Well, I’m sure that comes from her mother’s genetics, not mine. She did ballet for over a decade. And she would have danced professionally, but she tore a ligament and couldn’t after that.” He chuckled. “We tried to get Belle to like ballet, too, but she only went once a week because it would help her skating.”
“I believe that,” Chandler replied with a little laugh. “She’s got all this energy. It’s like she’s never tired. I feel like I’m always tired.”
“I get tired.”
Chandler turned and saw Belle standing in the doorway.
“You just told me yesterday that I sounded tired on the phone.”
“Yes, but I didn’t mean that way,” Chandler replied.
“She means how you like to bounce from thing to thing,” Belle’s dad suggested.
“Blame the ADHD for that. Bouncing is how I cope. At least, I manage to finish the things I start most of the time now,” Belle said.
That was the first Chandler had heard about Belle having ADHD, but she didn’t know how to say that without making Belle feel possibly uncomfortable, so she didn’t say anything.
“We need to get to the Ice Park. I’m going to let this one drive the Zamboni this morning,” Belle said, pointing at Chandler. “Should be fun to watch. Want me to film it for you?”
Belle’s dad laughed and asked, “You’ve never driven one before?”
“No. We have people at home who do that, and my parents never even let me ride along on the thing.”
“It’s slower than you expect,” he told her.
“Okay,” she said with a little laugh.
“Dad, you okay? Need anything else? We can wait and take your plate back to the kitchen for you.”
“No, Sheryl will be by in about an hour. She said we could play a game of cards before she had to head to work. I’ll be fine. I’ve got the crutches here, so I’m okay to get to the bathroom, too. Don’t worry about me. I’ll see you later.”
“Just call me if you need anything. I’ll come home, okay?” Belle said.
“I’ll be fine. I have the TV, cards, and–”
“Sheryl?” Chandler finished.
Belle laughed and said, “I don’t know. Does he have Sheryl?”
“Ah, hell. You two get out of here. Leave me alone.” He waved them off with his good arm.
Chandler and Belle continued their laughter until they were out of the bedroom.
Chandler had met Belle there that morning, telling Belle she’d just pick her up and take her to the Ice Park so they could go in together. The driver was waiting for them, and when they got into the SUV, Chandler turned to look at Belle.
“Are you okay?”
“You really think I don’t get tired?” she asked.