Page 10 of Sweet Revenge
Chapter 6
Ireally wanted her to join me in the shower but I understood how things had escalated a little too quickly.
Having Bethany there watching us certainly turned up the heat a few degrees. It made me want to put on a show. The best way to do that was to give my best and wait until she crumbled underneath my insistence.
They were dressed as if nothing had happened and ready for supper, which was currently cooking on the stove. The salmon wouldn’t take very long with a couple of sears on both sides. They were leaving the skin on. It was great when it was crispy and the fish would flake with just the slightest touch of a fork.
Constance made a point to walk over to me out of earshot of Bethany. She was standing at the stove.
“That was unbelievable. You have certainly given me something to think about. The very idea of you staying underneath the same roof for the remainder of this renovation is giving my body some ideas,” she hinted but didn’t come out and say what she wanted in blatant terms.
Dancing around the topic wasn’t doing anybody any good. Everything we had been doing was leading to the main event. The sheets would be rumpled and our bodies covered in this sheen of sweat from going at it for hours.
That was if I had anything to say about it. I didn’t and I knew the power was in her hands.
“I’m glad you liked it. You could say that I strive to do my best work in and out of the bedroom. We should discuss sleeping arrangements for this evening Is it presumption for us to consider sleeping together. There comes a time when you no longer want to play the game. I think you already know how I feel about you. That was just a sample of what you can have,” I offered and stood back to look at her body in those tight jeans.
They looked far better when they were lying on the floor with her legs spread on the counter. Running circles around her clit with my tongue was a pleasure beyond words. It was rather pronounced and I couldn’t resist the natural lure of her femininity.
“I will take it into consideration. It wasn’t my intention to get involved with you. This was supposed to be a strictly platonic arrangement. There’s nothing to say that we can’t mix business with pleasure but maybe we should cool things down. Giving you the wrong idea is going to give you an open invitation to my bedroom,” she said in one breath to give me hope and then summarily squashed it underneath her foot at the same time.
“I’m going to go out on a limb to say that you are a bit of a cock tease. I don’t mind the journey as long as I know there is a final destination. I can feel your resistance but there’s no reason to hold back on my account. I’m not suggesting a happily ever after by walking down the aisle. This can be fun. You just have to open up your mind to the possibilities,” I advised with a slight cringe when I felt one of those bruised ribs acting up.
She punched me playfully, and it hurt more than I was willing to let on.
The simple truth was written all over her face. She wanted me and there was no denying the chemistry between us. Why she was holding out was beyond me. There had to be an underlying reason. Something was preventing her from walking on the wild side without the proper incentive and a slight nudge in the right direction.
I wanted to swim in her divine and taste those lips again. That flavor was still lingering on my lips long after the shower. The feel of her mouth supplying me with the hot recesses of her throat had me basking in the oven of her persuasion the other night.
This was unnerving and causing me to wonder why she was holding out.
“Trust me; being open-minded isn’t my problem. I’ve been hurt in the past and I really don’t want to give you the wrong idea. Sometimes a girl just needs to be held. They also need a good pounding to make their toes curl but that is another story,” she debated with a guilty smile on her face to make me melt.
“I hate to state the obvious but my patience is wearing thin. I love the game but I also like to win. You don’t have to worry about getting your heart broken with me. This is all about fun. It doesn’t have to be anything more than that unless you want it to be. The one thing painfully clear is that we are good together,” I stammered with only a few inches separating us.
It was making me anxious to take her hand and show her what was waiting for her in the bedroom.
“I want to believe that you won’t get emotionally involved but that hasn’t been my personal experience. It’s funny when you think about it. It’s usually the women that have their hearts on their sleeves. I tend to attract the guy that wants to make an honest woman out of me. I can feel that energy coming off of you. I’ve never been this close to anyone. I can almost hear your thoughts,” she stated with both hands touching my chest to make my eyes flutter in response.
It was pretty clear that she was having fun at my expense.
“I’m amazed by everything you do. You have a clear understanding of what makes you happy and you don’t let anybody stand in your way. A lot of people can take a page from your book. There were many chapters that are left unwritten in my story. The best experiences are the ones that are unexpected,” I said with my words trying desperately to break through the barrier she had created to keep me at a distance.
“I second that sentiment,” Bethany called out from where she was cooking at the stove.
It was obvious that she could hear us and was anxious to make a few points of her own.
Normally, I would be attracted to her but she really didn’t do much for me. I couldn’t say the same thing for Constance. That woman had me wrapped around her little finger and probably knew it.
There was no guarantee but I had a feeling I would be one happy camper if she allowed me one moment of bliss between her legs.
The dangling carrot was making me hungry almost ravenous ready to attack at the slightest mention of going all the way. It was the damnedest thing to feel entangled unable to pull free of the metaphorical chain around my neck. Constance was giving a little and pulling back to make me yearn with this aching insistence inside that I couldn’t ignore for very long.
“You should really listen to your friend. If it helps, I can and will give you so many orgasms that you won’t be able to see straight. Give me a chance and I will change your mind,” I urged with my eyes watching the swell of her breasts every time that she breathed in and out.
It didn’t take much to discover that she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath that sweater. Her excitement made it pretty damn clear. Those high beams were directed right at me.